[Dominik][0.17.2] Crash loading big save (FluidSystem::moveOut)
[Dominik][0.17.2] Crash loading big save (FluidSystem::moveOut)
my game crashes after loading the save, when I'm still in the loading screen.
I've attached the files to the topic.
Thank you, yours faithfully.
my game crashes after loading the save, when I'm still in the loading screen.
I've attached the files to the topic.
Thank you, yours faithfully.
- Attachments
- factorio-current.log
- This is the log.
- (2.49 KiB) Downloaded 65 times
Re: [0.17.2] Game crash while loading big save.
The log file does not contain a crash. It was overwritten when you started the previous game version again.
Also uploading the save file would be much more useful.
Also uploading the save file would be much more useful.
Re: [0.17.2] Game crash while loading big save.
Sorry, It looks like it didn't load the second attachment.
Yeah, the save file cannot be sent. It says ''Error parsing server response.''
I'm gonna try to crash the game once again and post the log again.
Yeah, the save file cannot be sent. It says ''Error parsing server response.''
I'm gonna try to crash the game once again and post the log again.
- Attachments
- factorio-current.log
- the log
- (8.89 KiB) Downloaded 72 times
Re: [0.17.2] Game crash while loading big save.
I have similar issues, the game crashes after trying to load a big map. I attached the crash report, however the save file is 112MB and I get an error trying to upload it.
Edit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16_FAdx ... sp=sharing
Edit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/16_FAdx ... sp=sharing
- Attachments
- factorio-current.log
- (7.99 KiB) Downloaded 66 times
Re: [0.17.2] Game crash while loading big save.
I've got the same problem as raur0s, the logs look similar (at least to me).
- Attachments
- 017.zip
- (7.17 MiB) Downloaded 67 times
- factorio-dump-current.dmp
- (594.29 KiB) Downloaded 66 times
- factorio-current.log
- (6.71 KiB) Downloaded 74 times
Re: [0.17.2] Game crash while loading big save.
0.17.3 solved this for me, map loads without an issue.
Re: [0.17.2] Game crash while loading big save. (FluidSystem::moveOut)
Well, I tried to load the 0.17.3, but It didn't work for me.
Re: [0.17.2] Crash loading big save (FluidSystem::moveOut)
Code: Select all
0.001 2019-02-28 17:06:04; Factorio 0.17.2 (build 43076, win64, steam)
0.001 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1803)
0.001 Program arguments: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe"
0.001 Read data path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
0.001 Write data path: C:/Users/David/AppData/Roaming/Factorio [1117463/1907076MB]
0.002 Binaries path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
0.039 System info: [CPU: AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor , 6 cores, RAM: 3643/8174 MB, page: 8820/18231 MB, virtual: 4327/134217727 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
0.040 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 1] [UIScale: automatic (100.0%)] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 255] [Lang: cs]
0.048 Available displays: 1
0.048 [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - AMD Radeon R7 200 Series {0x05, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 60Hz}
0.126 Display: 0 -> Adapter: 0, Output: 0
0.226 Initialised Direct3D[0]: AMD Radeon R7 200 Series; driver: aticfx64.dll 22.19.677.257
0.226 D3D Feature Level: 11.1, DXGI 1.5+
0.226 [Local Video Memory] Budget: 853MB, CurrentUsage: 0MB, Reservation: 0/451MB
0.226 [Non-Local Vid.Mem.] Budget: 3678MB, CurrentUsage: 0MB, Reservation: 0/1941MB
0.226 Tiled resources: Tier 1
0.226 Unified Memory Architecture: No
0.226 BGR 565 Supported: Yes
0.226 MaximumFrameLatency: 3, GPUThreadPriority: 0
0.299 Desktop composition is active.
0.299 Graphics settings preset: medium-with-low-vram
0.299 Dedicated video memory size 1004 MB
0.299 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: normal] [Video memory usage: medium] [Light scale: 25%] [DXT: low-quality]
0.299 [Max load threads: 32] [Max texture size: 4096] [Tex.Stream.: 1] [Low quality rotation: 1]
0.349 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
0.349 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=8652
0.518 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
0.699 Loading mod base 0.17.2 (data.lua)
1.324 Loading mod base 0.17.2 (data-updates.lua)
1.573 Checksum for core: 3928040144
1.573 Checksum of base: 1471520011
2.524 Loading sounds...
2.666 Info PlayerData.cpp:69: Local player-data.json unavailable
2.666 Info PlayerData.cpp:72: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1551286092
2.886 Crop bitmaps.
3.888 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 5)
8.877 Initial atlas bitmap size is 4096
8.881 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4092 [none]
8.881 Created atlas bitmap 672x92 [none]
8.882 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1960 [decal]
8.882 Created atlas bitmap 4096x3824 [low-object]
8.883 Created atlas bitmap 4096x2000 [mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, no-crop, no-scale]
8.886 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4096 [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level, no-crop]
8.886 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4064 [terrain, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-mip-level, no-crop]
8.886 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1600 [smoke, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification]
8.887 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1388 [not-compressed, mipmap, linear-minification, linear-magnification, linear-mip-level, no-crop, no-scale]
8.887 Created atlas bitmap 4096x828 [alpha-mask]
8.894 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4088 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
8.897 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4092 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
8.909 Created atlas bitmap 4096x4088 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
8.910 Created atlas bitmap 4096x520 [shadow, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
8.910 Created atlas bitmap 4096x1296 [shadow, mipmap, linear-magnification, alpha-mask]
9.410 Created virtual atlas pages 4096x4096x7
10.558 Parallel Sprite Loader initialized (threads: 5)
15.790 Sprites loaded
15.835 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 4096x3824
15.868 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 4096x2000
15.901 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 4096x4096
15.934 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 4096x4064
15.966 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 4096x1600
15.988 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 4096x1388
16.000 Generated mipmaps for atlas of size 4096x1296
16.225 Generated mipmaps for virtual atlas of size 8192x16384
16.233 Custom inputs active: 0
16.381 Factorio initialised
16.429 Game is running on selected version branch on Steam.
34.650 Loading map C:\Users\David\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\Multiplaya4.zip: 123914193 bytes.
34.799 Loading Level.dat: 274813375 bytes.
34.808 Info Scenario.cpp:147: Map version 0.17.1-1
51.904 Error CrashHandler.cpp:376: Exception Code: c0000005, Address: 0x00007ff7690536fa
ModuleBase: 0x00007ff768de0000, ImageSize: 01559000, RelativeAddress: 002736fa
51.904 Error CrashHandler.cpp:382: Access Violation: Read at address 0000000000000000
51.904 Error CrashHandler.cpp:396: Exception Context:
rax=0000000000000000, rbx=0000000000000001, rcx=0000000000000000,
rdx=0000012abdce6408, rsi=0000012a5959c590, rdi=0000012abdce63c0,
rip=00007ff7690536fa, rsp=00000013db6fea10, rbp=0000000000000000,
r8=0000000000000010, r9=0000012abdce6408, r10=0000000000000001,
r11=0000000000000000, r12=0000012a48638960, r13=0000012a4b5e2a00,
r14=0000000000000000, r15=0000000000000000
51.904 Crashed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe (0x00007ff768de0000 - 0x00007ff76a339000)
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (924): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\src\util\logger.cpp (405): Logger::writeStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\src\util\logger.cpp (515): Logger::logStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (169): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (423): CrashHandler::SehHandler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFD6EB1BDD0)
00007FFD6EB1BDD0 (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): UnhandledExceptionFilter
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFD71E03167)
00007FFD71E03167 (ntdll): (filename not available): memset
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFD71DEB5E6)
00007FFD71DEB5E6 (ntdll): (filename not available): _C_specific_handler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFD71DFF7DD)
00007FFD71DFF7DD (ntdll): (filename not available): _chkstk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFD71D6D856)
00007FFD71D6D856 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlWalkFrameChain
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFD71DFE70E)
00007FFD71DFE70E (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatcher
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\src\fluid\fluidbox.cpp (395): FluidBox::FluidBox
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\src\fluid\fluidsystem.cpp (196): FluidSystem::moveOut
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\src\fluid\fluidmanager.cpp (152): FluidManager::checkReinitSystems
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\src\map\map.cpp (834): Map::setupEntities
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\src\scenario\scenario.cpp (226): Scenario::loadFactory
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-build-mvynrh\src\scenario\parallelscenarioloader.cpp (155): ParallelScenarioLoader::doLoad
c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\buildtools\vc\tools\msvc\14.15.26726\include\thr\xthread (230): std::_LaunchPad<std::unique_ptr<std::tuple<void (__cdecl*)(ParallelScenarioLoader *,MapDeserialiser *,enum InputType,InputHandler *,MultiplayerManagerBase *,bool),ParallelScenarioLoader *,MapDeserialiser *,enum InputType,InputHandler *,MultiplayerManagerBase *,bool>,std::default_delete<std::tuple<void (__cdecl*)(ParallelScenarioLoader *,MapDeserialiser *,enum InputType,InputHandler *,MultiplayerManagerBase *,bool),ParallelScenarioLoader *,MapDeserialiser *,enum InputType,InputHandler *,MultiplayerManagerBase *,bool> > > >::_Go
c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio\2017\buildtools\vc\tools\msvc\14.15.26726\include\thr\xthread (209): std::_Pad::_Call_func
minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\startup\thread.cpp (115): thread_start<unsigned int (__cdecl*)(void * __ptr64)>
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFD70C33DC4)
00007FFD70C33DC4 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFD71DD3691)
00007FFD71DD3691 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
Stack trace logging done
56.878 Error Util.cpp:97: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
65.037 Uploading log file
65.185 Error CrashHandler.cpp:221: Heap validation: success.
65.187 Creating crash dump.
71.534 CrashDump success
Re: [0.17.2] Crash loading big save (FluidSystem::moveOut)
So, I have to remove every single pipe, because they cause the game to glitch out? Or I should look into my refinery and see if theres something like that?
I'm sorry, I'm kinda confused, what I am suppose to do in this kind of situation.
I'm sorry, I'm kinda confused, what I am suppose to do in this kind of situation.
Re: [0.17.2] Crash loading big save (FluidSystem::moveOut)
Does the game still crash when loading the save? If so please provide the save. The other provided save seems to work.
Re: [Dominik][0.17.2] Crash loading big save (FluidSystem::moveOut)
I will move this one to duplicates when we have the save in viewtopic.php?f=47&t=66316 now.
Re: [Dominik][0.17.2] Crash loading big save (FluidSystem::moveOut)
Yeah, It still crashes even in 0.17.4 . I have found that I can load the save file in 0.17.1, but not in the other ones.
I have created another post, where I uploaded my save file with a log, in which I didn't do anything with since then.
Link: viewtopic.php?f=47&t=66316
It still shows me the same message, I might go and try remove entire builds, where I use fluids and try that if it works. Problem is, I lost my entire archive of blueprints when I changed from 0.17.4 to 0.17.1 .
Sacrifice must be made.
I will wait until you respond. I would like to know, what will you suggest me to do.
I kinda started new save, but in that one I have over 1 thousand hours.