[Oxyd] [0.17.0]Unable to escape research tree when game was paused

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[Oxyd] [0.17.0]Unable to escape research tree when game was paused

Post by GrumpyJoe »

On a server, when someone else pauses, while you are looking at the research tree, ESC key is not working
This locks you into the research tree, you cant exit it and cant go to the menu
Pressing the X at the top right corner is also not possible

Join a server, press T, have the admin pause the game.

Does happen when both are admin. Happened to both of us
Also when only one is, that locks the non admin in the tech tree

When it happens to an admin its double the weirdness, because even when you are, you cant reach the menu to unpause

You can press M and look at the map, faded out behind the tech tree

Edit: rephrasing
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Re: [Oxyd] [0.17.0]Unable to escape research tree when game was paused

Post by Oxyd »

Thanks, fixed in 0.17.6.
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