[0.16.33] Odd crash attacking biter camp with flamethrower

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[0.16.33] Odd crash attacking biter camp with flamethrower

Post by Vyrasa »

Map created in earlier version of 16.x, my first load into 16.33. I run a bit to the west and south, switch weapons to the flamethrower, and engage the biter camp there. Crash happens a little bit into the combat (maybe 5-10 seconds in? *not* immediately). Didn't seem to occur when I was using the machine gun, or when I just stood around, but I haven't spent much time isolating the cause, so the flamethrower-biter-combat is only a crude guess. Since it happened twice, and this is all I've done with 16.33, it seems repeatable and worth reporting. (have not attempted a 3rd time)

Vanilla / no mods used.
Log of the second time
(7.84 KiB) Downloaded 205 times
Log of the first time
(7.8 KiB) Downloaded 190 times
The save (most recently saved in 16.32)
(15.96 MiB) Downloaded 161 times
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Re: [16.33] Odd crash attacking biter camp with flamethrower

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next version of 0.16.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Burner Inserter
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Re: [16.33] Odd crash attacking biter camp with flamethrower

Post by RawX »

Thank you really much, I just expierienced this crash twice (I think they were my first in 413h), wanted to reproduce it a third time for good measure - and there came the update and I was able to burn that biter 'village'.

Truly amazing :D
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