[kovarex] [0.16.31] Crash during replay of second tutorial level game

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[kovarex] [0.16.31] Crash during replay of second tutorial level game

Post by MarcusWyckes »

Game crashes on replay probably because the blueprint menu was opened while playing the level_2 of the tutorial.

Fresh Factorio install - just bought it yesterday and already had the crash the latest stable version steam provides - 0.15.40.
Could reproduce the issue with 0.16.31 from which the log / dump / replay was attached.

Game runs vanilla, no mods installed.
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Re: [kovarex] [0.16.31] Crash during replay of second tutorial level game

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report and the replay.
I fixed it for the next version (blueprint library was not setup when starting a replay, so all kind of things went wrong with blueprints).

P.S. It is kind of interesting to see replay of people playing the tutorial mission, it might be nice to allow people automatically send replays of these levels so we can analyze it and use it to improve those.
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Re: [kovarex] [0.16.31] Crash during replay of second tutorial level game

Post by MarcusWyckes »

Thanks very much for the fix!

About the replay: :oops: But in general a good idea. I know from other games that for example on servers developers sometimes watch new players how they get the hang of the game and what problems they run into. As developer or experienced player you just don't see certian kinds of issues anymore. Also does not always mean that something needs to be simpler but for example if there is no mission progress for a long time, maybe just popup a hint.
But please if you consider automatic replay uploading then as an opt-in or question on first run or after playing the mission or something like that.
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Re: [kovarex] [0.16.31] Crash during replay of second tutorial level game

Post by Ubertwink »

MarcusWyckes wrote:uploading then as an opt-in or question on first run or after playing the mission
That wouldn't do much, it needs to be opt-out, just like crash reports.
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Re: [kovarex] [0.16.31] Crash during replay of second tutorial level game

Post by ethernal »

That is a good idea. I remember I stuggled to get out of Rails / Advanced signaling tutorial. I just wasn't able to figure out how to signal the trains properly then. There are some simple rules for that as I found but sadly not from the tutorial. I am planning on writing down some of my thoughts about UI/UX very soon on the forums as well, just gathering thoughts for now.
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