Changing types error

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Changing types error

Post by Dysoch »

I have changed, in my new DyTech-Warfare, the battery from type = "item" to type = "ammo"
when using this in a new game, there is nothing wrong.

but when using this in a game that has been started before using the mod (aka, the type is still item) this gives an error:

Code: Select all

item battery saved as type item, but now it is type ammo
after some tries, FreeER (was the one who tried to fix it) gave up.
the entire process he used is here:

This can only be changed with migrations, and that currently isnt possible. (already asked Kovarex)
This needs an change in the source to ensure this wont happen again and we can change internal types easily with migrations.
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Re: Changing types error

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, it is fixed for 0.11.14, so dytech saves are loadable without dytech and the other way around.

I postponed solving this bug as it was programmer candidate test.
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