I have some items with icons of size 64x64 px in my Attach Notes mod. All these items also have an almost equal virtual signal with the same icon properties.
The items icon is tiny in alt mode ingame:

Item entry in data.raw:
Code: Select all
["signpost-icon-danger"] = {
flags = {
icon = "__attach-notes__/graphics/signpost-icons/danger-icon.png",
icon_size = 64,
name = "signpost-icon-danger",
order = "a",
stack_size = 1,
subgroup = "signs-red-signpost-icons",
type = "item"
Code: Select all
["signpost-icon-danger"] = {
icon = "__attach-notes__/graphics/signpost-icons/danger-icon.png",
icon_size = 64,
name = "signpost-icon-danger",
order = "a",
subgroup = "signs-red-signpost-icons",
type = "virtual-signal"
The icons are correctly drawn in the inventory and when dropped on the ground, but are larger than usual when used as map tag icon!
(Don't be irritated by the actual icon, this can be repoduced with any icon larger than 32x32. It has some technical reasons that I have to have both item and signal at the same time.)
log file