Selecting stations that are in the portion of the list that needs to be scrolled down to be visible, will automatically scroll the list up, and the movement of the list is treated like a mouse movement and starts the drag and drop of the item, resulting in the station being moved up.
In this particular example, selecting station "Wall NE", will cause it to go up, above the last "Kaboom" station on the list.
This seems to happen only if i click on the upper half of the train station name box ( the top half of the single line of the text )
I am using gui scaling, currently at 85%, but the bug still happens without gui scaling.
What should happen:
Selecting stations that is on the bottom of long list shound result in the station being selected and nothing else.
What does happen instead:
Selecting station that is on the bottom of long list selects this station and automatically changes it's order on the list.
Actually, it seems this happens to all stations on the list, as long as:
1. List is long enough to have a scrollbar
2. List is scrolled down.