[16.21] Crash on save load: "agui::Widget::applySizeRestrictionsInternal" MR

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Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2018 4:15 pm

[16.21] Crash on save load: "agui::Widget::applySizeRestrictionsInternal" MR

Post by Kellan »

Save-file load progress bar fills up, then I get "Unexpected error occurred"

Code: Select all

0.000 2018-02-01 16:09:27; Factorio 0.16.21 (build 35356, win64, steam)
   0.000 Operating system: Windows 10 (version 1709) 
   0.000 Program arguments: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio\bin\x64\Factorio.exe" "--wait-to-close" "10536" 
   0.001 Read data path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data
   0.001 Write data path: C:/Users/Kellan/AppData/Roaming/Factorio [24001/121327MB]
   0.001 Binaries path: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/bin
   0.009 System info: [CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz, 4 cores, RAM: 3631/8084 MB, page: 8306/11277 MB, virtual: 223/134217727 MB, extended virtual: 0 MB]
   0.010 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 0] [UIScale: system (100.0%)] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 255] [Lang: en]
   0.011 Available display adapters: 1
   0.011  [0]: \\.\DISPLAY1 - Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 {0x05, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 60Hz}
   0.011 Create display on adapter 0. Size 1280x720 at position [310, 162].
   0.951 Initialised Direct3D:[0] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M; driver: nvd3dumx.dll
   0.951 D3DFMT_A8 is not supported format for surfaces.
   0.951 D3DFMT_L8 is not supported format for surfaces.
   0.956   Video memory size (dedicated video/dedicated system/shared system/available): 2018/0/4042/4088 MB
   0.988 DSound: Starting _dsound_update thread
   0.989 DSound: Enter _dsound_update; tid=16772
   0.989 Device reset internal.
   0.992 Desktop composition is active.
   0.992 Graphics settings preset: high
   0.992 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: low] [Video memory usage: all] [Light scale: 100%] [DXT: false] [Shader: 1]
   0.992                   [Parallel sprite loading: 1] [Max texture size: 0/8192] [Bmp cache: 0] [Sprite slicing: 1] [Low quality rotation: 1]
   1.081 Loading mod settings rso-mod 3.5.6 (settings.lua)
   1.082 Loading mod settings Nanobots 2.0.2 (settings.lua)
   1.082 Loading mod settings qol_research 2.2.3 (settings.lua)
   1.086 Loading mod settings research-queue 1.6.4 (settings.lua)
   1.089 Loading mod core 0.0.0 (data.lua)
   1.112 Loading mod base 0.16.21 (data.lua)
   1.282 Loading mod railway-painter 1.0.3 (data.lua)
   1.337 Loading mod rso-mod 3.5.6 (data.lua)
   1.402 Loading mod Advanced_Radar 0.16.2 (data.lua)
   1.460 Loading mod belt_buffer 0.1.4 (data.lua)
   1.515 Loading mod Nanobots 2.0.2 (data.lua)
   1.570 Loading mod qol_research 2.2.3 (data.lua)
   1.627 Loading mod research-queue 1.6.4 (data.lua)
   1.678 Loading mod spawn-belt 1.0.7 (data.lua)
   1.728 Loading mod upgrade-planner 1.5.2 (data.lua)
   1.778 Loading mod base 0.16.21 (data-updates.lua)
   1.830 Loading mod rso-mod 3.5.6 (data-updates.lua)
   1.880 Loading mod Nanobots 2.0.2 (data-updates.lua)
   1.935 Loading mod research-queue 1.6.4 (data-final-fixes.lua)
   2.005 Checksum for core: 1699148251
   2.005 Checksum of base: 429930717
   2.005 Checksum of railway-painter: 2304781719
   2.005 Checksum of rso-mod: 2237909465
   2.005 Checksum of Advanced_Radar: 1073517293
   2.005 Checksum of belt_buffer: 2761169321
   2.005 Checksum of Nanobots: 2475870239
   2.005 Checksum of qol_research: 3185745353
   2.005 Checksum of research-queue: 984510500
   2.005 Checksum of spawn-belt: 3744537438
   2.005 Checksum of upgrade-planner: 378958687
   2.151 Loading sounds...
   2.230 Info PlayerData.cpp:67: Local player-data.json unavailable
   2.230 Info PlayerData.cpp:70: Cloud player-data.json available, timestamp 1517501168
   2.385 Loaded shader file C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data/core/graphics/shaders/game.cso
   2.386 Loaded shader file C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data/core/graphics/shaders/zoom-to-world.cso
   2.386 Loaded shader file C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Factorio/data/core/graphics/shaders/alpha-mask.cso
   2.407 Crop bitmaps.
   2.486 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
   2.493 Created atlas bitmap 16384x3751 [none]
   2.879 Created atlas bitmap 16384x949 [shadow]
   2.933 Created atlas bitmap 16384x243 [decal]
   2.940 Created atlas bitmap 8192x460 [mipmap]
   2.954 Created atlas bitmap 8192x800 [mipmap, smoke]
   2.964 Created atlas bitmap 8192x2112 [linear-minification, mipmap, terrain]
   3.028 Created atlas bitmap 8192x1068 [no-crop, trilinear-filtering, icon, light]
   3.041 Created atlas bitmap 8192x238 [alpha-mask]
   8.707 Sprites loaded
   8.707 Convert atlas 8192x460 to: mipmap 
   8.739 Convert atlas 8192x800 to: mipmap 
   8.793 Convert atlas 8192x2112 to: min-linear 
   8.924 Convert atlas 8192x1068 to: trilinear-filtering 
   8.972 Convert atlas 8192x238 to: alpha-mask
   9.252 Custom inputs active: 2
   9.291 Factorio initialised
  12.288 Loading map C:\Users\Kellan\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\RSO 2.zip: 48774981 bytes.
  12.321 Loading Level.dat: 116242945 bytes.
  12.327 Info Scenario.cpp:135: Map version 0.16.20-0
  16.031 Loading script.dat: 125652 bytes.
  16.034 Checksum for script C:/Users/Kellan/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 4025882306
  16.041 Checksum for script __railway-painter__/control.lua: 2804575530
  16.054 Checksum for script __rso-mod__/control.lua: 2550880524
  16.056 Checksum for script __belt_buffer__/control.lua: 3917377923
  16.075 Checksum for script __Nanobots__/control.lua: 3466759847
  16.080 Checksum for script __qol_research__/control.lua: 833730290
  16.086 Checksum for script __research-queue__/control.lua: 2197265482
  16.087 Checksum for script __spawn-belt__/control.lua: 424164757
  16.091 Checksum for script __upgrade-planner__/control.lua: 954781066
  16.183 Script @__rso-mod__/control.lua:1142: Null size mod for enemy-base value none
  16.183 Script @__rso-mod__/control.lua:1711: RSO: Updated resource configurations
  16.183 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] configuration change detected
  16.189 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-crafting-speed-8" (128 * 0.010000)
  16.190 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-crafting-speed-6" (32 * 0.010000)
  16.190 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-crafting-speed-4" (8 * 0.010000)
  16.190 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-crafting-speed-3" (4 * 0.010000)
  16.190 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-crafting-speed-2" (2 * 0.010000)
  16.190 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-crafting-speed-1" (1 * 0.010000)
  16.190 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-inventory-slots-bonus-5" (16 * 1.000000)
  16.191 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-inventory-slots-bonus-4" (8 * 1.000000)
  16.191 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-inventory-slots-bonus-3" (4 * 1.000000)
  16.191 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-inventory-slots-bonus-2" (2 * 1.000000)
  16.191 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-mining-speed-8" (128 * 0.010000)
  16.191 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-mining-speed-6" (32 * 0.010000)
  16.192 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-mining-speed-4" (8 * 0.010000)
  16.192 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-mining-speed-3" (4 * 0.010000)
  16.192 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-mining-speed-2" (2 * 0.010000)
  16.192 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-mining-speed-1" (1 * 0.010000)
  16.193 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-running-speed-6" (32 * 0.010000)
  16.194 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-running-speed-5" (16 * 0.010000)
  16.194 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-running-speed-4" (8 * 0.010000)
  16.194 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-running-speed-3" (4 * 0.010000)
  16.194 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-build-distance-4" (8 * 1.000000)
  16.194 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-build-distance-3" (4 * 1.000000)
  16.194 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-item-drop-distance-4" (8 * 1.000000)
  16.194 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-item-drop-distance-3" (4 * 1.000000)
  16.195 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-resource-reach-distance-4" (8 * 1.000000)
  16.195 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-resource-reach-distance-3" (4 * 1.000000)
  16.195 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-reach-distance-4" (8 * 1.000000)
  16.195 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-character-reach-distance-3" (4 * 1.000000)
  16.195 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] enabled internal tech:  "qolinternal-quick-bar-count-2" (2 * 1.000000)
  16.203 Script @__qol_research__/control.lua:20: [qol] resetting technology effects (startup settings changed: true, mod structure change: true)
  17.495 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 1{from = "", to = ""}
  17.495 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 2{from = "", to = ""}
  17.495 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 3{from = "", to = ""}
  17.496 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 4{from = "", to = ""}
  17.496 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 5{from = "", to = ""}
  17.496 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 6{from = "", to = ""}
  17.496 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 7{from = "", to = ""}
  17.496 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 8{from = "", to = ""}
  17.496 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 9{from = "", to = ""}
  17.496 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 10{from = "", to = ""}
  17.496 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 11{from = "", to = ""}
  17.496 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 12{from = "", to = ""}
  17.496 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 13{from = "", to = ""}
  17.497 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 14{from = "", to = ""}
  17.497 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 15{from = "", to = ""}
  17.497 Script @__upgrade-planner__/control.lua:978: Deleted invalid config: 16{from = "", to = ""}
  17.679 Error CrashHandler.cpp:419: Received SIGSEGV
Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\libraries\stackwalker\stackwalker.cpp (923): StackWalker::ShowCallstack
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\util\logger.cpp (372): Logger::writeStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\util\logger.cpp (471): Logger::logStacktrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (127): CrashHandler::writeStackTrace
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\util\crashhandler.cpp (423): CrashHandler::SignalHandler
d:\th\minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\misc\exception_filter.cpp (219): _seh_filter_exe
d:\th\minkernel\crts\ucrt\src\appcrt\startup\thread.cpp (117): `thread_start<unsigned int (__cdecl*)(void * __ptr64)>'::`1'::filt$0
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FF6B525F90C)
00007FF6B525F90C (Factorio): (filename not available): __C_specific_handler
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFF6C124C3D)
00007FFF6C124C3D (ntdll): (filename not available): _chkstk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFF6C09D1B8)
00007FFF6C09D1B8 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlWalkFrameChain
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFF6C123B6E)
00007FFF6C123B6E (ntdll): (filename not available): KiUserExceptionDispatcher
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\libraries\agui\src\agui\widget\widget.cpp (1267): agui::Widget::applySizeRestrictionsInternal
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\libraries\agui\src\agui\style.cpp (23): agui::Style::setParent
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\gui\style\stylespecification.cpp (163): StyleSpecification::apply
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\customgui\customguielement.cpp (94): CustomGuiElement::buildWidgetRecursively
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\customgui\customguielement.cpp (100): CustomGuiElement::buildWidgetRecursively
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\customgui\customguielement.cpp (100): CustomGuiElement::buildWidgetRecursively
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\customgui\customguielement.cpp (100): CustomGuiElement::buildWidgetRecursively
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\customgui\customguielement.cpp (100): CustomGuiElement::buildWidgetRecursively
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\gameview.cpp (209): GameView::setup
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\game.cpp (282): Game::checkGameViewCreation
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\mainloop.cpp (796): MainLoop::prepare
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\mainloop.cpp (530): MainLoop::mainLoopStep
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\mainloop.cpp (332): MainLoop::run
c:\cygwin64\tmp\factorio-e1blhl\src\main.cpp (1035): wmain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl (283): __scrt_common_main_seh
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFF6BFB1FE4)
00007FFF6BFB1FE4 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
ERROR: SymGetLineFromAddr64, GetLastError: 487 (Address: 00007FFF6C0EEF91)
00007FFF6C0EEF91 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
  19.943 Error CrashHandler.cpp:128: Map tick at moment of crash: 18520075
  19.944 Error Util.cpp:67: Unexpected error occurred. If you're running the latest version of the game you can help us solve the problem by posting the contents of the log file on the Factorio forums.
Please also include the save file(s), any mods you may be using, and any steps you know of to reproduce the crash.
  34.290 Creating crash dump.
  34.571 CrashDump success
Fast Inserter
Fast Inserter
Posts: 137
Joined: Fri Dec 16, 2016 9:37 pm

Re: [0.16.21] Crash on load

Post by leoch »

Same. I'm using a lot of mods (some custom) so it's not trivial to upload a save but PM me if you need more info.
Show log
Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
Posts: 4
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[0.16.21] cant open save from 16.20

Post by Xoryk »


after updated Factorio to 16.21, i wanted to load my last save (map version 16.20). Unfortunatly map wont load, "unexpexted error" apears as in printscreen.
After switching back to 16.20 there is no error.

Print screen and savefile attached. There is no log file but i attached factorio-current file.
Mod folder is to big:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gcsIzP ... sp=sharing

(16.75 MiB) Downloaded 219 times
(596.87 KiB) Downloaded 197 times
(20.2 KiB) Downloaded 243 times
Print screen with error
Print screen with error
printscreen.JPG (168.79 KiB) Viewed 9935 times
Fast Inserter
Fast Inserter
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Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:06 pm

Re: [0.16.21] Crash on load

Post by dgw »

Kellan's crash looks a lot like mine, crashing right after upgrade-planner finishes deleting invalid configs (which it does on every load, for some reason).
If a crash dump would be helpful, let me know. I'll hang on to the dump file associated with this log for a few days. Happy to upload save & zipped mods folder as well, though it would be ~163 MB of attachments.
Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2018 4:15 pm

Re: [0.16.21] Crash on load

Post by Kellan »

Did a bit of trial-and-error, looks like it's Railway Painter that's doing it for me. It crashes when it's enabled, doesn't when it isn't. Is it the same for you?
Fast Inserter
Fast Inserter
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Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:06 pm

Re: [0.16.21] Crash on load

Post by dgw »

I have Railway Painter disabled. Will need more trial-and-error to isolate another mod as the culprit, starting with anything that touches the GUI (because that's usually what's causing mod-related crashes in my experience).

Edit: In my save, narrowed it down to Factorissimo2.
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Re: [16.21] Crash on save load: "agui::Widget::applySizeRestrictionsInternal" MR

Post by Loewchen »

Post the save and mod that produces this please.
Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 01, 2018 4:15 pm

Re: [16.21] Crash on save load: "agui::Widget::applySizeRestrictionsInternal" MR

Post by Kellan »

Here's my save. Are you able to just sync the mods with it or do I upload them separately?
RSO 2.zip
save file
(46.52 MiB) Downloaded 268 times
Fast Inserter
Fast Inserter
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Joined: Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:06 pm

Re: [16.21] Crash on save load: "agui::Widget::applySizeRestrictionsInternal" MR

Post by dgw »

Since Kellan says Railway Painter did it as well, I'm attaching my copy of that in addition to Factorissimo2. It hasn't been updated in several weeks, so we should have the same version.

Also, here is a log file showing the crash with only "base" and "Factorissimo2" enabled:
Minimal log
(27.47 KiB) Downloaded 216 times
(3.04 MiB) Downloaded 202 times
0.16 Noob Game r0019 - Bigger Walls.zip
Save game
(63.8 MiB) Downloaded 268 times
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: [16.21] Crash on save load: "agui::Widget::applySizeRestrictionsInternal" MR

Post by emk »

I was seeing an identical error on a heavily modded save file, and removing Factorissimo2 fixed the crash. I was not running railway-painter.
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Re: [16.21] Crash on save load: "agui::Widget::applySizeRestrictionsInternal" MR

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report and the saves. I was able to reproduce the problem and get it fixed for the next version of 0.16 which should be out tomorrow morning.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: [16.21] Crash on save load: "agui::Widget::applySizeRestrictionsInternal" MR

Post by Nazair »

I believe the problem is with Factorissimo2 mod - it's only one that I'm running in my current playthrough and disabling it fixes the problem.

Whoops, took a little to long to post and I see the issue is already being worked on ;)
(3.4 KiB) Downloaded 217 times
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Fast Inserter
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Re: [16.21] Crash on save load: "agui::Widget::applySizeRestrictionsInternal" MR

Post by leoch »

Thanks guys, in my case disabling railway-painter fixed the crash. But sounds like Rseding91 has a proper fix; even better!
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