Infrequently, my game will crash on load - both in modded and vanilla - with an error about sprite data, and that it is changing sprite resolution from high to medium. This is mildly irritating (and should not be happening, as I have 6GB of VRAM), but not the main focus of my post.
My main issue is that whenever this happens, the game purges all of its settings, including keybindings, sound options, and everything else. This is much more of a problem because I have a great many custom keybinds that take many minutes to replace, and often cannot consciously remember offhand (and only realize need rebinding in the middle of gameplay).
I do not have a log at the moment because Factorio only keeps the two most recent, and by the time I realized the issue the game had been restarted more than that.
[0.16]Occasional crash on game-start, causing settings purge
[0.16]Occasional crash on game-start, causing settings purge
Last edited by Reika on Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Occasional crash on game-start, causing settings purge
I now have both the error and a log, since it happened again.
Relevant seems to be this:

Relevant seems to be this:
Code: Select all
7.917 Loading sounds...
8.002 Info PlayerData.cpp:65: Local player-data.json available, timestamp 1514924094
8.002 Info PlayerData.cpp:72: Cloud player-data.json unavailable
8.218 Loaded shader file C:/Program Files/Factorio/data/core/graphics/shaders/game.glsl
8.218 Loaded shader file C:/Program Files/Factorio/data/core/graphics/shaders/zoom-to-world.glsl
8.219 Loaded shader file C:/Program Files/Factorio/data/core/graphics/shaders/alpha-mask.glsl
8.240 Initial atlas bitmap size is 16384
8.304 Created atlas bitmap 16384x16369 [none]
8.331 Created atlas bitmap 16384x12771 [none]
8.402 glTexImage2D for format ARGB_8888, size 16384x10054 failed (GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY)
8.402 Couldn't create atlas bitmap (size 16384x10054), will try again [shadow]
8.412 Created atlas bitmap 8192x8191 [shadow]
8.417 Created atlas bitmap 8192x8169 [shadow]
8.421 Created atlas bitmap 8192x4223 [shadow]
8.424 Created atlas bitmap 8192x3874 [decal]
8.434 Created atlas bitmap 8192x5592 [mipmap]
8.435 Created atlas bitmap 8192x800 [mipmap, smoke]
8.515 Created atlas bitmap 8192x8188 [linear-minification, mipmap, terrain]
8.516 Created atlas bitmap 6112x272 [linear-minification, mipmap, terrain]
8.520 Created atlas bitmap 8192x2532 [no-crop, trilinear-filtering, icon, light]
8.523 Created atlas bitmap 8192x924 [alpha-mask]
12.086 al_malloc(12490240) in al_allocate_captured_cpu_data returned NULL
12.100 Sprite: width=1904, height=1640
12.343 Error AtlasSystem.cpp:1101: Loading sprites failed: Sprite cropping failed. Captured bitmap data for sprite "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-1.png" was null.
Setting sprite quality option (high->normal), please restart the game.
12.344 Error Util.cpp:49: Sprite cropping failed. Captured bitmap data for sprite "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-1.png" was null.
Setting sprite quality option (high->normal), please restart the game.

Re: [0.16]Occasional crash on game-start, causing settings purge
The settings purge seems to be caused by the deletion of the config.ini file. Given the attempt to modify it being made (the "setting sprite quality" message), it sounds like this attempt is resulting in its deletion instead. I am going to escalate this to a bug report.