Top left. They are completly sill and not moving, and not animating.
I have disabled all mods and tried again, but they are still not moving.
While they do try to move to my artillery train if they're not frozen already, they will get stuck and stop moving when I move the train out of their range.fochristo wrote:I have the same issue. And now with the artillery there is a new side effect : When artillery attacks, bitters must attack the artillery, but they stay stucked.
I can confirm disappearing biters, but I guess that's intended for biters who're unresponsive. I've seen disappearing robot army bots that tried to reach an unreachable target on an island. That mod uses the biter pathfinding code, so I guess it's intended to remove entities with pathfinding issues before they cause any stability issues.fochristo wrote:But, after a while, I decided to go to kill them manually, and they disappear (I SEE them on my screen, and they disappear), even some of them are moving before vanishing. It occurs only if I stay out of range and after 2 or 3 seconds. If I walk to them, they attack me and never disappear.
Not all the biters disappear, but a large amout of them.