This takes the crafting speed of the assembler into accout (in the following the crafting speed is always 5.5, yellow assembler, 4 x prod, 8x speed beacons).
The calculation is as following: numbers of material * crafting speed * 30 / normal craft time
For Green circuits this results in:
iron: 1*5.5*30/0.5=330
copper cable: 3*5.5*30/0.5=990
This works as intended:

But I encountered a problem while setting up red circuits:
The requested numbers should be like this:
plastic, green circuits: 2*5.5*30/6=55
copper cable: 4*5.5*30/6=110
But instead of 55,55,110 it requests 9,9,18:

This happened in two different saves in exactly the same way.
It still reacts to the crafting speed:
crafting speed = 1.25 => 2,2,4 instead of 12.5,12.5,25
crafting speed = 6.25 => 10,10,20 instead of 62.5,62.5,125
crafting speed = 8,75 => 14,14,29 instead of 87.5,87.5,175
It seems to be offset by a factor of 6 (not exactly: 87.5/6=14.58 (?))
Maybe it is the crafting time (6 seconds) multiplied two times? These are only wild guesses.
I hope somebody can reproduce the error, should be pretty easy to do.
If wanted, I can check a lot of the other recipes for similiar errors when I have some time.
I hope, I didn't forget something important!
Greetings from Berlin, Karlito15!