Why no game.promote and game.demote

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Why no game.promote and game.demote

Post by Cooldude2606 »

In 0.16 we got kick_player, ban_player, unban_player, purge_player, mute_player and unmute_player but why no promote_player and demote_player?

I would like these to be add as it would allow a custom ranking system to promote and demote players which would lower the amount of human input which is needed, ie admins making more admins. It also seams to be with out a reason as most other commands are able to be implimented by a lua script by promote and demote are still not possible, and player.admin still remains read-only which seams like an easy way to add promote and demote.
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Re: Why no game.promote and game.demote

Post by Rseding91 »

Actually LuaPlayer::admin was made read/write for 0.16.0 but the write lua accessor wasn't added. I've fixed it for the next version of 0.16.
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