[wheybags] [16.0] Tank Flamethrower damages Tank at higher speeds

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[wheybags] [16.0] Tank Flamethrower damages Tank at higher speeds

Post by Mithos »

I was driving the tank at or almost at its full speed and fired the Tank Flamethrower forward and slightly to the sides to clear trees ahead.

The Tank took damage from its own Flamethrower. I had to drive slower to avoid the damage. Only firing straight forward in the travelling direction and not even slightly to the sides seems to help avoiding damage, too.

I didn't expect the damage, because that didn't happen in previous versions. The change might be intended to raise the challenge of using a flamethrower while driving the tank, as it's a downside that you have to avoid driving too fast while firing.

(additional information: Happened on my old, big map at 10k tiles west at around 30 UPS, my CPU is an old i7-920, 2.6GHz)
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Re: [wheybags] [16.0] Tank Flamethrower damages Tank at higher speeds

Post by doktorstick »

Since tanks don't take tree damage anymore, could you drive through the trees and burn the forest behind you as a workaround?
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Re: [wheybags] [16.0] Tank Flamethrower damages Tank at higher speeds

Post by Mithos »

doktorstick wrote:Since tanks don't take tree damage anymore, could you drive through the trees and burn the forest behind you as a workaround?
I did try the new "tank takes no damage while driving through forests" approach first. The Tank is still slowed down for each collision with a tree, that's why you want to use the flamethrower to destroy them before you hit them with the tank. You can plow through a forest without it, but you'll be driving slower and slower.

And you don't need to kill the trees behind you, because you already killed them by running them over with the tank.
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Re: [wheybags] [16.0] Tank Flamethrower damages Tank at higher speeds

Post by wheybags »

Fixed for 0.16.3.
Thanks for the report!
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