[posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

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[posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by Thomasnotused »

Thanks for the update, but in its current state, 0.16 is nearly unplayable for me.

When decoratives are on, my GPU usage goes from 10% to 100% and my FPS drops to ~35-40 when zoomed out. VRAM usage is at 66% (2/3GB used)
I made a brand new save, and the issue persists. I know the obvious solution is to turn off decoratives, but really the terrain looks pretty bland without them.

UPS is fine, CPU usage was in the normal range (40-60%)

System specs:
i5-7600 3.5GHz quad-core
GTX 1060 3GB
16GB RAM (2x8GB dual channel)
Factorio is loaded an a 950 Evo m.2 SSD
Windows 10 Pro 64x, updated to latest version at time of report

Disabling decoratives solves the problem completely, but really they should not be this intensive, I was able to use them in 0.15 with no issues

I wish you good luck, and thanks for the great game :D
Save file
(1.57 MiB) Downloaded 317 times
(4.73 KiB) Downloaded 316 times
Zoomed out fully, decoratives on
Zoomed out fully, decoratives on
factorio_2017-12-13_09-42-54.png (2.22 MiB) Viewed 11835 times
I have no idea what I'm doing.
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Re: [0.16][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by Thomasnotused »

Loewchen wrote:See as well: 54558
I wasn't sure if Mac and Windows reports would be treated as the same, so I did another just in case.

But to preemptively answer the question from that thread, yes it's the same with Vsync off
I have no idea what I'm doing.
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Re: [0.16][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by Loewchen »

SuicidalKid wrote:
Loewchen wrote:See as well: 54558
I wasn't sure if Mac and Windows reports would be treated as the same, so I did another just in case.
That's fine, it's just to find similar issues faster, they might not be related after all.
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Re: [16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by Klonan »

I have also experienced this issue on Win 10
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Re: [posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by Lithorn »

I as well. GTX 1060SC from EVGA, GPU% jumps with zooming out. At about half zoom its at 100% and tanking hard. Turning off Decorative makes it smooth again.
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Re: [posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by posila »

I tried to match your graphics settings with similar HW configuration and it worked fine with V-sync off, and I had occasional frame drop with V-sync on. I had older driver than you (I had 388.13), so I also tried to test it with the latest driver - 388.59, but did not see any performance change. I'll try to improve the performance, but without me having the same issues, it will be guess work (and probably another graphics option)

Code: Select all

   0.007 Display options: [FullScreen: 1] [VSync: 1] [UIScale: system (100.0%)] [MultiSampling: OFF] [Screen: 1] [Lang: en]
   0.008 Available display adapters: 2
   0.008  [0]: \\.\DISPLAY6 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB {0x01, [-1920,0], 1920x1200, 32bit, 59Hz}
   0.008  [1]: \\.\DISPLAY7 - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB {0x05, [0,0], 1920x1080, 32bit, 59Hz}
   0.008 Create display on adapter 1. Size 1280x720 at position [310, 162].
   0.056 Initialised Direct3D:[0] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB; driver: nvldumdx.dll
   0.057   Video memory size (dedicated video/dedicated system/shared system/available): 2997/0/16341/4088 MB

   0.085 Graphics settings preset: very-high
   0.085 Graphics options: [Graphics quality: high] [Video memory usage: all] [Light scale: 100%] [DXT: false] [Shader: 1]
   0.085                   [Parallel sprite loading: 1] [Max texture size: 0/8192] [Bmp cache: 0] [Sprite slicing: 1] [Low quality rotation: 0]
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Re: [posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by Muppet9010 »

I have a 2GB graphics card (AMD R9 270).
Read your suggestions and after playing around found the best configuration was leaving everything in full detail and just reducing the memory usage setting from ALL to LOW. This gives 60FPS at near full zoom out (minus 4 ticks on the scroll wheel), or 35 FPS at full zoom out. This zoom out level puts the character at the same height on screen as a debug text line.

Note: reducing sprite quality obviously fixes it as does turning decoratives off.

Running 16.2
No Enabled Mods
Windows 10
AMD latest driver patch (clean install)
Graphics Card memory usage: 1999 MB Dedicated, 413MB Dynamic

Now I will admit the CPU is at 70% at this zoomed out 60fps point, but I only have an overclocked Pentium anniversary edition (Dual core 3.2GHz).

Interestingly with Low graphics memory usage the FPS drops from CPU maxing out, but with high graphics memory usage the FPS drops from GPU maxing out.

Not sure if this is any help given your test rig seems to be more recent (or atleast higher spec) than what a lot of us are running.

I'm sure I can get a new pc and send you our my old one in the name of science :P
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Re: [posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by Thomasnotused »

Reporting in here, 0.16.5 appears to fix this bug (at least for me) I'd like to thank the devs for their amazing patching :D
I have no idea what I'm doing.
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Re: [posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by joonnnyy »

0.16.5 has brought this issue up for me, BUT only on grasland heavy areas
zooming out more then about half way starts rteducing FPS
on open ground removing decoratives will stop the issue
and on desertmaps with low amunt of decoratives no problem at all

also trees affect the FPS hugely for me
if i have >40 trees on screen my FPS starts dropping and being not compleetly zoomed in inside a dense forest will kill it almost completly

meanwhile UPS stays at 60flat no matter what, so graphical issue only it seems
btw using i5 4690 and geforce 960 with all up to max so specs should not be to low, as it worked with no problems at all until the new map i started today
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Re: [posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by Elyviere »

Just had this issue on 0.16.7. Running Windows 10 with a GTX 970. Turning decoratives off reduced my GPU usage from 99% to 10%. I'm playing with everything on maximum graphics.

Interestingly, I didn't have this in any of the previous 0.16.x patches, but when loading the same save on 0.16.7 it suddenly showed up.
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Re: [posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by Xcaliber219 »

I am having the same issue. I think that it is related to the higher resolution sprites. It goes away completely when switching from High resolution sprites to Normal. This, of course, is a terrible waste of having a 4K screen! :lol:
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Re: [posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by Steen »

I have the same issue (posted it here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=55974) because i couldn't find this topic at first.

V-sync on/off doesn't matter the only fix is reducing setting sprite resolution from high to normal.
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Re: [posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by orzelek »

I can confirm that there is something amiss when zoomed out with high res graphics enabled.
I can see some intermitent stutters where GPU-Z shows GPU usage spike up to 100% (normal usage in game is barely up to 30% or so, almost none mostly). In worst cases that stutter drops FPS to 30 and stays there for quite some time (up to half a minute maybe).
Disabling decoratives makes GPU usage go to almost 0 with occasional few % spikes.

I have RX480 with 8GB VRAM - I have quite a lot of mods so VRAM usage is about 4.5GB with Factorio running.
Running in DirectX mode and vide memory usage set to all, max atlas size, VSync enabled.
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Re: [posila][16.0][Windows 10]Decoratives causing excessive GPU usage

Post by posila »

For 0.16.17 I added graphics option "Separate lower object atlas" (disabled by default)
If enabled sprites drawn under shadows will be put in a separate sprite atlas with enabled mipmaps. On most GPUs this will lower GPU load when drawing lots of decoratives. Downside is decrease of sprite batching efficiency which causes higher CPU usage in rendering. Atlas with mipmaps has also increased size in VRAM by 1/3.

We have lot of improvements for rendering in 0.17 backlog, so we will probably fix it in some better, more generic way.
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