Why doesn't the game just accept and use the address (port) it gets instead of the one it expects?
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19.659 Factorio initialised
31.230 Info BlueprintLibrary.cpp:49: Loaded external blueprint storage: playerIndex = 0, nextRecordID = 0; timestamp = 1510603277; records:
33.159 Info ServerSynchronizer.cpp:28: nextHeartbeatSequenceNumber(0) initialized Synchronizer nextTickClosureTick(0).
33.159 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:671: mapTick(-1) changing state from(Ready) to(PreparedToHostGame)
33.160 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:671: mapTick(-1) changing state from(PreparedToHostGame) to(CreatingGame)
33.161 Loading Level.dat: 917021 bytes.
33.161 Info Scenario.cpp:135: Map version 0.15.37-0
33.232 Info BlueprintLibrary.cpp:226: Loaded library shelves:
33.232 Info BlueprintLibrary.cpp:794: Game shelf: playerIndex = 65535, nextRecordID = 0; timestamp = 1510637208; records:
33.233 Info BlueprintLibrary.cpp:49: Loaded external blueprint storage: playerIndex = 0, nextRecordID = 0; timestamp = 1510603277; records:
33.236 Checksum for script C:/Users/Mohsen/AppData/Roaming/Factorio/temp/currently-playing/control.lua: 282129324
33.237 Info UDPSocket.cpp:27: Opening socket at (
33.240 Hosting game at
33.240 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:44: Downloading https://auth.factorio.com/generate-server-padlock-2
33.871 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:111: Status code: 200
33.871 Info AuthServerConnector.cpp:108: Obtained serverPadlock for serverHash (nvvKOSXNRmKQBCzJwBFShFNbXhsL9eC8) from the auth server.
33.871 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:671: mapTick(0) changing state from(CreatingGame) to(InGame)
33.872 Info ServerRouter.cpp:580: Asking pingpong servers (pingpong1.factorio.com:34197, pingpong2.factorio.com:34197) for own address
33.928 Info UDPSocket.cpp:39: Opening socket for broadcast
33.931 Info GameActionHandler.cpp:3320: MapTick (0) processed PlayerJoinGame peerID(0) playerIndex(0) mode(create )
34.731 Warning ServerRouter.cpp:470: Received own adddress message reply with conflicting address (got, expected
34.732 Warning ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:564: Determining own address has failed. Best guess:
35.415 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:600: Matching server connection resumed
38.265 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:116: Disconnecting multiplayer connection.
38.265 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:671: mapTick(257) changing state from(InGame) to(DisconnectingScheduled)
38.300 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:671: mapTick(257) changing state from(DisconnectingScheduled) to(Disconnecting)
38.335 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:671: mapTick(257) changing state from(Disconnecting) to(Disconnected)
38.335 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:140: Quitting multiplayer connection.
38.335 Info ServerMultiplayerManager.cpp:671: mapTick(257) changing state from(Disconnected) to(Closed)
38.336 Info BlueprintShelf.cpp:683: Saving blueprint storage.
38.422 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:44: Downloading https://multiplayer.factorio.com/remove-game/223215
38.588 Info HttpSharedState.cpp:111: Status code: 200
38.588 Info UDPSocket.cpp:206: Closing socket
38.588 Info UDPSocket.cpp:236: Socket closed
38.588 Info UDPSocket.cpp:206: Closing socket
38.744 Info UDPSocket.cpp:206: Closing socket