Headless command to save game should not disable achievement

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Headless command to save game should not disable achievement

Post by Tongs »

When using the "/c game.server_save()" console command as suggested in this thread, do not disable achievements.
What ?
I understand that using console commands to do things like spawn items should disable achievements because, in the general case, the game cannot know if the player is gaining an unfair advantage. However, there is currently no way to save the game on a headless server that has no console (e.g. running in Linux as a service) other than in the autosave slots, without issuing a graceful shutdown.

I run a public server, and would like to be able to save the game to the named save used to start the game as a backup. If I am not playing and a griefer comes in and destroys the factory, and stays long enough that all of the autosave slots are "bad" (e.g. I am at sleep or work for several hours), then I have no good backup of the save game unless I bounce the server before leaving.

Maybe there should be a set of "admin" commands that do not begin with "/c" and thus do not disable achievements. Commands for saving the game or other administrative tasks that are clearly not cheating, but may need to be issued from the client when running a headless server as a service that has no server console.
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Re: Headless command to save game should not disable achievement

Post by Deadly-Bagel »

There are some commands that don't disable achievements already such as /evolution so I don't see why /save couldn't be added as a general achievement-friendly command.
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Re: Headless command to save game should not disable achievement

Post by inick »

In addition, I think an official RCON download would be nice. There are unoffical ones out there, and they do work, but learning how to RCON without any good information was a bit of a steep curve. In said RCON, have abilities like savegame, ban/unban, kick etc -- general admin type functions.

Noting that /c at any time is the catch-all that disables achievements, I fully support. More commands (included via RCON) that perform functions should be added before final release.
I've always avoided players that even mess with console, it's not for the players, it's a tool for devs (IMHO).
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Re: Headless command to save game should not disable achievement

Post by wheybags »

Implemented a /server-save command, which will be in 0.16
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