Require the display of mods' untranslated names

Suggestions that have been added to the game.

Moderator: ickputzdirwech

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Require the display of mods' untranslated names

Post by Jos »

Please add a new column to the list box in the mods gui for displaying each mod's untranslated name (not title).

What ?
It is possible to translate each mods' title and description, since the groups of "mod-name" & "mod-description" are added to *.cfg .
It is really useful for non-English players!

However, I have a little problem.
If I translate the title of one mod, I can't know the mod's name in game. It means I can never recommend it to my friends, because they can't search for it on the mod portal.
The effect of the titles after translation is like this:
The left title and the right title are both translated. There is nowhere to see the name or the English title, so I can't get the keywords to search.

Thus, my suggestion is to add a column to the list box in the mods gui. This new column displays each mod's name (i.e. file name).
You can also add each mod's untranslated name to somewhere else, since what I need is only the keywords.

Why ?
It will make Factorio more convenient for non-English players.
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Re: Require the display of mods' untranslated names

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the suggestion,
The left 'Name' will no longer be localised
You can already know the localised name from left menu, so it is redundant information

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