[0.15.23] Train stops dead in tracks when station removed

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Burner Inserter
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[0.15.23] Train stops dead in tracks when station removed

Post by Macanski »

It's not a game braking bug or anything serious, I noticed this on a "2-way" train. If the train is going from "Station-A" to "Station-B" and both stations are on opposite sides of the train, the track does not go in a circle, just a straight line and the schedule is set to go "Station-A -> Station B" and the train is already moving to "Station-B", now if you remove "Station-B" from the schedule, the train just stops instantly (without braking first) and goes to it's next station (Station-A).
This does not happen if the track goes in circle or has a "roundabout" at the end, then the train just skips the removed station and proceeds to the next station without stopping.
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Re: [0.15.23] Train stops dead in tracks when station removed

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. That's working as intended: when a trains path is invalidated due to rails being removed/the train stop removed it does a full stop.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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