0.15.22 Ghost-placing curved rails don't clear forests

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0.15.22 Ghost-placing curved rails don't clear forests

Post by Lilariel »

It appears that using Shift-click to place ghost-rails no longer automatically tag trees blocking the rails for deconstruction, causing all curved rails to fail to be placed when running through forests.
Pictures say more than a thousand words, so I'm attaching two simple gifs that illustrate the issue as i'm experiencing it:

Ghost-placing straight rails through forests seems to function normally:

Ghost placing rails with curved segments through forests does not, it clears trees obstructing the straight elements and places these, but all trees blocking the curved segments are left standing:

Tried asking others to reproduce, but they do not seem to experience the same behaviour, so I'm not entirely sure if this is some bizarre local flop on my end.
Creative mode mod is installed, but not activated. No other mods at all, so the game should be completely vanilla.
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Re: 0.15.22 Ghost-placing curved rails don't clear forests

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next version of 0.15.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: 0.15.22 Ghost-placing curved rails don't clear forests

Post by TruePikachu »

Are you also able to confirm that blueprint-ghosted curved rails are also fixed? I ran into that earlier today.
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Re: 0.15.22 Ghost-placing curved rails don't clear forests

Post by jonatkins »

I saw this issue too. Was a bit variable - first time I saw it trees weren't cleared, like the example.

I tried to reproduce it, and trees were cleared along the curved rail path, but no curved rail ghost was placed. Building the exact same ghost rail planner route again worked, as the blocking trees were gone.
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