[0.15.11] Integer setting with no upper bound

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[0.15.11] Integer setting with no upper bound

Post by Neemys »

When using the new mods settings ingame, if a mod set an integer entry with a minimum but no maximum like :

Code: Select all

		type = "int-setting",
		name = ""my-wonderful-setting-name,
		setting_type = "startup",
		minimum_value = 0,
		default_value = 100,
		order = "a-a"
And an user set a wrong value, the message in the tooltip say :
Value out of range: valid values are 0 through -1 inclusive.
Shouldn't the message only state the minimum bound when no upper bound are set ? Displaying -1 as upper bound is misleading IMO.
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Re: [0.15.11] Integer setting with no upper bound

Post by Rseding91 »

Ah, that's just a case of the message converting the display value wrong. I'll fix it.
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