Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Rockstar04 »

I cant wait for the arty train.
milo christiansen
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by milo christiansen »

I can't wait for trains that don't crash the game when you try to ride them. (15.8)
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Avezo »

Imagine the possibilities for balancers now with longer underground belts!
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by hyspeed »


A quick comment about the blueprint based gameplay - I think random is an essential part of Factorio.

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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Wakaba-chan »

Rockstar04 wrote:I cant wait for the arty train.
Agreed. Very-very waiting for artillery trains!
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Xterminator »

Really interesting read for this one! I'm thrilled that the artillery train and hopefully spidertron are still planned before the final release. :D Having the artillery train be able to fire the atomic bomb rockets would be epic. Or at least something equivalent.

In regards to the science pack changes, I like them and don't like them at the same time. The change for the blue packs makes a lot of sense and seems fine. The logic and thinking behind the change to Production Packs is understandable and makes sense, but the result seems a bit off. Production Packs are a mid-late game (probably closer to late game) pack and having them require a very early game item like an assembler 1 doesn't quite seem right to me. I liked the pumpjack because it seemed to go well with a later game pack.
Just my two cents. :P

That blueprint gameplay mode sounds quite interesting. Could definitely be another category of speedrunning for sure. :D
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Sigma1 »

Is the artillery train going to look like the Heavy Gustav? That would look pretty cool. Also, crashy trains in 0.15.8.
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Pavgran »

I guess that this is the tax of having quite a lot of players playing the game, so we just go there and fight these one by one until it is done.
Please don't fight your fellow players!
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Mooncat »

Don't delete the cards! Just put them in Factorio 2.0 :lol:
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by IronCartographer »

So: 0.16 Vehicle Overhaul patch confirmed! :D

Looking forward to seeing the equipment grids get some vanilla use. ;)
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by AcolyteOfRocket »

Boom baby - looking forward to the arty trains :)

Didn't like the science pack changes, but ho hum...

As for blueprint based play - how about a machine that can activate a blueprint independently of the player, and maybe a photocopier to copy blueprints ?

Yeah I know there's a mod, but I would prefer it in vanilla.
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by MeduSalem »

Well saw that one coming.

So basically 1.0 will be what 0.15 is... but without bugs.

Only seems realistic to me. If you guys would put in a lot of features into 0.16 then you will never make 0.16/1.0 stable this year... then you'd maybe release experimental 0.16 at the end of the year and maybe becoming stable/1.0 mid 2018.
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by MrGrim »

But with pumpjack for example, I just craft it when I need it on place, and it just slows the game down. The slowdown is not enough push to automate the production, so the only effect is the extra time to wait for crafting which makes the game just less fun in my view.
Funny thing is, on my last large map this definitely motivated me to automate pumpjack production. On my 3rd or so oil outpost the manual crafting time annoyed me so much that I stopped deployment of the outpost just to extend a branch of my main bus that already had the ingredients needed and dump them into a passive provider. I then put the request for pumpjacks into my personal logistics slots and worked on other things until I had them.

Further motivation was my desire to build an outpost engineering train that would always have a supply of pumpjacks.

The engineering train will always motivate me to automate them, but the crafting speed did before I got to even making such a train. I think you have the patience of a saint. :D
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Inari »

So the game won't be seeing feature additions past 1.0? At least "deleting cards" suggests that to me.
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by FreezyExp »

in our recent play-through we kept bumping into the belt issue

once you reach blue, you kind of want to replace it everywhere, you then make blueprints that you would like to use in a new game.
But all the belt required would be missing.

It would be nice if we could upgrade or downgrade blueprints.
Even with underground belts becoming longer, it would still be worth the hassle of converting all the other belts.

And being able to convert factories within a blueprint would be awesome as well.

Overall the blueprint library feels clunky, perhaps consider moving it into it's own special kind of inventory.
I like to separate things in books (yay naming), colors would be a nice touch (perhaps setting a cover icon).
I tend to keep on taking or duplicating blueprints from books into my inventory, at least the delete button is working great :D
Upon death you always hold your heart to see if you did not forget to share the blueprint before ill-fated encounter with the oil train.

Fluids might be a bit too easy to ship. Where ore requires multiple carts, I have yet to hit a need for a second one on any of the fluids we ship around.

Nuclear is also a bit of a bust, I was paranoid about nuclear fallout or radiation, even going as far as land-filling a special area for the reactor, only to figure out that it does in fact not do anything dangerous.
We have not tried blowing it up yet, maybe that will give some to be expected risks vs rewards.
The bomb was a disappointment as well, the visual just looked like a big fart, no radiation or anything.
The reactor design we went with was 4 reactors in a square formation, with enough turbines and heat ex-hangers to power the base three times over.

Building through robo ports and radar range is awesome.
You might consider personal teleporters with HUGE power drain, to warrant the nuclear reactor.
As it stands the 300 something theoretical power we could get is going unspent, as is the nuclear fuel of which we have 4-5 chests worth of.
Solar power and the steam engines are more then enough to supply the base and the laser turret offensive.

The quickest solution to turret creep would be to require laser turrets to charge up for like 10 seconds before they can fire.
Losing all that power, plus the HUGE spikes in drain would all sum up. You could still do it with a nuclear reactor (and maybe some additional battery charge speed research), but it would become less efficient.\

These are just my thoughts, do with them as you please.
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Artentus »

So one thing I would like to know after reading this is, are the features you cut for 1.0 gone forever or can we hope to see them in mayne a DLC later on? Reason I am asking is because you previously mentioned the possibility to add the space station idea through a DLC.
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Junion »

I agree on an assembler feeling too cheap for purple science..

I like the idea of energy conducting being used in a about a substation, or multiples of an electric pole? I think those things tend to be automated anyway.
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by ThorsDragon »

Thanks guys!!!! I love the content!! Keep up the awesome work, and get feeling better!
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Re: Friday Facts #189 - Specifying the 1.0

Post by Rhamphoryncus »

Has there been any consideration for extending underground pipes as well? They're 1 tile short of a nuclear reactor pair and it's not like I can put a gap between the reactors.
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