[15.6] Character colour does not match text colour

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[15.6] Character colour does not match text colour

Post by Dupl3xxx »

When using the /color [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] [0-255] or /color [name of colour] some values don't give the expected results. The text colour when you write in the chat will be fairly accurate, but the character colours will not. Many blue colours will result in a light-pink character, and white gives a pale yellow. It seems the 'base orange' is always there, interfering with the colour of the player model. See attached screenshots for examples:
Factorio player model colour.png
Factorio player model colour.png (706.33 KiB) Viewed 2547 times
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Re: [15.6] Character colour does not match text colour

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
This is not a bug, but based on this, I changed color parsing to default alpha (the 4th) component to 255 if not specified. So color command should be used mainly as /color r g b
If you want to read some boring math we wrote a FFF article about premultiplied alpha
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