[.15.5] Desync with game_view_settings

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Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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[.15.5] Desync with game_view_settings

Post by Nexela »

Connect with 2 players
Place a logistic storage chest run the code below and have player 2 select it.

Code: Select all

/c script.on_event(defines.events.on_selected_entity_changed, function(event)
    local player = game.players[event.player_index]
        if not player.opened and player.selected and player.selected.type == "logistic-container" and player.game_view_settings.show_minimap then
            player.game_view_settings.show_minimap = false
        elseif not player.game_view_settings.show_minimap then
            player.game_view_settings.show_minimap = true

If you remove the game.print it won't desync right away but you will notice that player 2's minimap has some rapid flicker
Possibly related - viewtopic.php?f=23&t=45159&p=260674&hil ... gs#p260674
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Re: [.15.5] Desync with game_view_settings

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next version of 0.15.

It doesn't actually have anything to do with game view settings but the event itself is being fired when it shouldn't.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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