[0.15.4][Modding] Generator entities calculate using water

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[0.15.4][Modding] Generator entities calculate using water

Post by undarl »

Generator entities seem to be using the temperature and heat capacity value of water for their calculations, no matter the actual fluid being used.

My understanding of generator power is that it is supposed to apply the heat capacity of its fluid input to the difference between the current and maximum temperatures of that fluid to find the power output. Now that I'm a little better versed, I understand the heat capacity being applied to each degree of difference between minimum and current values. However, that still does not seem to be happening for any fluid that differs from water.

Steps to Reproduce:
  • Create a generator entity with the stats of a steam engine: effectivity 1, 0.5 fluid/tick, max temp 165, input of water.
  • The new generator should have a calculated output (on item mouseover) of 900KW, and should output ~900KW when fed with 165-degree steam.
  • Alter the new generator to use a different input fluid. Give the new fluid a different energy profile from water by changing the heat capacity.
  • The altered generator still shows a calculated output of 900KW, and will still output ~900KW when the new fluid is run through at 165 degrees regardless of what the updated value would predict.
EDIT: After a lot more testing and some more careful working with formulas, I now have a much better grasp on how the energy calculations are done. I changed the description and steps accordingly.
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Re: [0.15.4][Modding] Generator entities calculate using water

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
It should be fixed in 0.15.11
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