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I've got a simple setup generating a 120BPM signal, one single note, one half note and one quarter note. I found that when I disconnected my quarter note speaker, the sound continued to play, but also had a duplicate sound playing. Adding the circuit wire back caused it to go back to playing a single sound, removing the wire made it duplicate again. Removing the speaker entirely causes the sound to stop as expected.
[0.15.3][Twinsen] Speaker duplicating sound after being disconnected
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[0.15.3][Twinsen] Speaker duplicating sound after being disconnected
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Re: [0.15.3] Speaker duplicating sound after being disconnected
Not 100% a bug, since with the wire disconnected, the value of Q is 0. That means that every tick a sound was started(until the maximum polyphony was reached).
Nonetheless I made it so no sounds are made when no wire is connected.
Fixed in Version: 0.15.6.
Also your beat was calling for a snare so I added one
Nonetheless I made it so no sounds are made when no wire is connected.
Fixed in Version: 0.15.6.
Also your beat was calling for a snare so I added one
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Re: [0.15.3] Speaker duplicating sound after being disconnected
Oh, I didn't think of that