[0.15.3] Can't hide blueprint/book from manager

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[0.15.3] Can't hide blueprint/book from manager

Post by folk »

I've made this mod some time ago; https://mods.factorio.com/mods/folk/mydecals

In it, I create two custom types of items; a blueprint book, and a blueprint item. These both have the "hidden" flag set, and they also have enabled=false in the prototype:

Code: Select all

			type = "blueprint-book",
			name = "decal-book",
			icon = "__mydecals__/graphics/decal-book.png",
			flags = {"hidden", "goes-to-main-inventory"},
			subgroup = "decals-core",
			order = "z",
			stack_size = 1,
			inventory_size = #decals,
			enabled = false,
			hidden = true,
			type = "blueprint",
			name = "decal-blueprint",
			localised_name = {"item-name.decal-blueprint"},
			icon = "__mydecals__/graphics/default-decal-icon.png",
			flags = {"hidden", "goes-to-main-inventory"},
			subgroup = "decals-core",
			order = "z",
			stack_size = 1,
			stackable = false,
			draw_label_for_cursor_render = true,
			selection_color = { r = 0.4, g = 0, b = 0.9 },
			alt_selection_color = { r = 0.4, g = 0, b = 0.9 },
			selection_mode = {"deconstruct"},
			alt_selection_mode = {"deconstruct"},
			selection_cursor_box_type = "not-allowed",
			alt_selection_cursor_box_type = "not-allowed",
			enabled = false,
			hidden = true,
However, they still show up in the blueprint library GUI.
Is there any way I can prevent this?
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Re: [0.15.3] Can't hide blueprint/book from manager

Post by Rseding91 »

I'll change the blueprint library to not show items with the "hidden" flag set.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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