[0.15.3] Desync when viewing radar focus up close

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Manual Inserter
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[0.15.3] Desync when viewing radar focus up close

Post by ChronosDragon »

(Reproduced twice under the same conditions)

Reproduction steps:

1. Join a multiplayer game. Note it only occurred for me (the second person to join) and not my friend (the first person to join) on a headless server.
2. Build a radar and have it start scanning undiscovered tiles
3. Go to the map and while a tile is highlighted, zoom in close enough to activate the new high-detail view
4. Wait for the radar to move past that tile. The moment it moves away, the game desyncs.

Both desync reports attached.
Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
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Re: [0.15.3] Desync when viewing radar focus up close

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report and the great steps to reproduce the desync.

I've fixed it for the next version of 0.15.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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