[0.15.0] Right clicking filter button doesn't depress it
[0.15.0] Right clicking filter button doesn't depress it
You can right click the filter buttons in map view to toggle them (it correctly toggles the display of pollution, for example), but the button itself doesn't get visibly pressed down like it does when left clicking.

[0.15.1] Right click map buttons
Merged with existing Bug report --daniel34
Probably a very minor bug but here we go: If you right click on the new buttons to toggle map items on the map screen their function works just fine. However the button itself doesn't toggle between on/off state.
Probably a very minor bug but here we go: If you right click on the new buttons to toggle map items on the map screen their function works just fine. However the button itself doesn't toggle between on/off state.
[0.15.2] Right click doesn't toggle map view buttons
merged --daniel34
Super minor bug. When I right click the map view buttons for turret range, electric connections, etc. the button doesn't toggle but the view does. In this way,I can have it so that the button is unpressed but shows whatever information that toggled button would have shown anyways. Although the button does reset if the map is closed and open again. Essentially, it seems the right click button performs the action, but doesn't toggle the button.
Super minor bug. When I right click the map view buttons for turret range, electric connections, etc. the button doesn't toggle but the view does. In this way,I can have it so that the button is unpressed but shows whatever information that toggled button would have shown anyways. Although the button does reset if the map is closed and open again. Essentially, it seems the right click button performs the action, but doesn't toggle the button.
Re: [0.15.0] Right clicking filter button doesn't depress it
Thanks for the report. I've fixed it for 0.15 so the buttons don't respond to mouse buttons other than left click.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.