[Rseding91] [14.22] Auto sorting of blueprint books in inventory causes desync

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[Rseding91] [14.22] Auto sorting of blueprint books in inventory causes desync

Post by RocketManChronicles »

This is a private server which my friend owns and hosts. Only three of us play on this server, I have more hours than the other two combined. We have had no issues until we unlocked the Roboports and its Logistic Network. I have placed several Passive Provider Chests prior to this endless series of desyncs. Now, all I have to do is select the Passive Provider Chests in my inventory and desync. I don't even have to try to place it, as soon as I reference it, we go into desync.

Here is a desync deselecting the Passive Provider Chest from active on the cursor:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B50Q5 ... UFsSWlJT0E

Here is a desync selecting the Passive Provider Chest in my inventory (making active on cursor):
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B50Q5 ... UVyc0Y3akU

I can repeat these on command.

That was the start of the desyncs. Now, after committing suicide to "refresh" my inventory, I was able to play the game for about 20 minutes and then another desync with a different item in my inventory. This time it was the blue express conveyor belt. And then it was blueprints, and then steel chests, stack inserters, steel axes. Every time one item would desync, I would commit suicide and refresh, only to have one more item cause a desync after about 20 - 30 minutes. I should not have to get run over a train every half hour in order to play the next 30 minutes. Here are more desyncs from the server side.
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B94VI ... Eg4NWJYbzg
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B94VI ... UxNenlvOW8
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B94VI ... HktNE1KUUk

Here are the mods we are playing with:
Base Mod
Bob's Assembly 0.14.0
Bob's Config 0.14.0
Bob's Electronics 0.14.0
Bob's Electronics gfxtweak 0.14.0
Bob's Enemies 0.14.0
Bob Greenhouse 0.14.0
Bob's Inserters 0.14.3
Bob's Library 0.14.3
Bob's Logistics 0.14.5
Bob's Mining 0.14.0
Bob's Modules 0.14.2
Bob's Ores 0.14.0
Bob's Plates 0.14.0
Bob's Power 0.14.0
Bob's Revamp 0.14.2
Bob's Tech 0.14.0
Bob's Vehicle Equipment 0.14.2
Bob's Warfare 0.14.2
Factorio Maps 0.7.2
RSO Mod 2.3.0
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Re: Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by Loewchen »

Provide the .ziped mod folder as well please.
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Re: Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by Loewchen »

If the desyncs happen that often it is very likely that they are caused by a mod .The best thing you could do is to disable them in a sequence that lets you figure out what mod causes it.
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Re: Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by RocketManChronicles »

WE can try that. What is surprising to us is that I am over 100 hours in and this just started happening.
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Re: Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by Rseding91 »

Bob's Inserters 0.14.3
There's a known issue when making blueprints of inserters with custom pickup/dropoff locations in 0.14. The desync is most likely related to that.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by RocketManChronicles »

Hmmm... we have not used anything from that mod yet, maybe we can remove it.
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Re: Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by RocketManChronicles »

Rseding91 wrote:
Bob's Inserters 0.14.3
There's a known issue when making blueprints of inserters with custom pickup/dropoff locations in 0.14. The desync is most likely related to that.
The majority of these desyncs occur when I am placing an item down or picking it up, the last two (chronologically) are when I was picking up a blue express belt and the second a substation.
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Re: Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by RocketManChronicles »

Here is the dsync from picking up a blue express belt after we removed the Bobs Inserters mod from the server and the clients. Mods folder included:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B50Q5 ... 1V6MDNPUmc
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B50Q5 ... HI2ZGpxWkU
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Re: Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by Nexela »


Try removing those mods 1 at a time and see if the desyncs go away. (these are ones with control files and most likely to be the ones with issues)

after that start removing other mods until the desync goes away,
if no mods are left and it still desyncs the now "mod-less" save here.
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Re: Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by Rseding91 »

Can you give me a screenshot of your inventory and then a screenshot of each blueprint book you have (opened up)?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [Rseding91] Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by posila »

RocketManChronicles, try to turn off "Always keep player's main inventory sorted" in Options->Other. I think that should workaround the desync, but your inventory might get little bit messy.

And for Rseding's lazy ass ;)
Conveyor blueprint in reference save on 3rd position
Conveyor blueprint in desync save on 5th position
Other blueprint books are full of empty blueprints, they differ in label though.
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Re: [Rseding91] Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by posila »

Anyway, that for the report, fixed for 0.15.
It is bug in sorting inventory that contains items with inventories. Turning player inventory autosort off should resolve the issue for now, also having different number of empty slots in each blueprint book should keep you from desyncing.
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Re: [Rseding91] Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by RocketManChronicles »

I will work with your suggestion tomorrow, thank you for the prompt responses guys! The owner of the server wanted to spend time with his gf until tomorrow night, go figure. :P He will help with activating the server again. So, I will keep you in touch.

Also, I was just setting those blueprint books up to start making all I needed and wanted for the robots we just started building.
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Re: [Rseding91] Multiplayer Desync When Using Items in My Inventory

Post by RocketManChronicles »

Ok, we activated all of the mods on the server and unchecked the autosort of the main inventory in the menus. We were able to play for a few hours without a single desync. Having to manually work with the inventory is a small price we are willing to pay for now in order to keep playing the game we love so much. Thanks for the prompt responses and the help. You certainly know your craft.
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