Here is my save just a couple of seconds before the train arrives (vanilla): ...
You can find a detailed explanation of my setup and what I'm trying to achieve here. As I've explained, I have a lot of trouble with the pathing algorithm on this setup. I don't believe it is directly linked to this bug but this setup has unexplained patterns regarding train pathing.
TL;DR: one entrance with a chain signal, multiple routes (waiting bays) splitting and merging progressively, leading to a station, all of them being of equal length but with entrances closer/farther from the station. Intermediate chain signals are there to make sections smaller so that multiple trains can enter the waiting bays at a time.
What seems to happen is that the train entered the chain signals section, planning to go through an available waiting bay. For some reason when passing one of the chain signals, it rerouted twice (!!) through another waiting bay, but the second rerouting lead to a used waiting bay* (next regular signal is red). Therefore the chain signal suddenly switches from yellow to red, and stucks my train in the middle of chain signals.
*Why it did that in the first place, I really wonder: I don't understand (broke?