[0.14.7] [Rseding91] Inventory filter error with quick-drop

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[0.14.7] [Rseding91] Inventory filter error with quick-drop

Post by Xeteth »

Really obscure, but worth reporting none the less I guess.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Hold an item in your hand from your hotbar that is set to be filtered
2. Open some sort of inventory and remove an item filter inside that inventory (middle mouse click)
3. Swap the item in your hand for the previously filtered item in the inventory
4. 'Quick-drop' the item (Q)

Notice that the quick-dropped item has ignored hotbar filter.

GIF to explain better than me:

Factorio Staff
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Re: [0.14.7] [Rseding91] Inventory filter error with quick-drop

Post by Rseding91 »

Fixed for 0.14.8.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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