/c doesn't remember that it was already used on subsequent loads
tested with active mods and without mods
Create a new game
/c -- get warning
/c -- ignore warning
save game
load game
/c --get warning again, but we shouldn't get warning again because achievements should already be disabled
/c -- ignore warning again
*[13.16] /c command warning doesn't save state
Re: [0.13.16] /c command warning doesn't save state
I can confirm this.
Re: *[13.16] /c command warning doesn't save state
Fixed for 0.13.18.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Re: *[13.16] /c command warning doesn't save state
Rhaaaaaa yes, please correct this one, because it's very annoying when you are running tests in loop, loading 2 maps per minute 

My mods on the Factorio Mod Portal