[0.13.8] Train stops differently on diagonal rails

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[0.13.8] Train stops differently on diagonal rails

Post by yupswing »

It's a very little bug, probably due to the changes on the trains in 0.13 (I know the train and its wheels are now two different entities to allow better animation when rotating as I read on a Friday facts)
Obviously I don't care about this problem (so little and it does not affect the gameplay), but maybe this behaviour expose possible other underlying problems, so I thought to report it.

When a manually driven train stops at the end of a line it behaves differently on diagonal rails.

Here's an example

In the second image you can see on the diagonal rails that the wheels slide under the train. When you reverse, the correct position (wheel and car locked together) is restored.

Thanks for the great game,
this is the first problem I encounter after hours and hours, and it does not affect the gameplay at all.
So polished,
Great job!
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Re: [0.13.8] Train stops differently on diagonal rails

Post by bobingabout »

I think the issue is actually more related to the difference in how the track actually is. one rail ends before the other on diagonal track, but you can't see exactly where because of the end piece added on to it, where the end piece on H/V is mostly overlaying the end of the track.

It would be best shown by comparing the current state of the game with a much older one before end pieces were added in.
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Re: [0.13.8] Train stops differently on diagonal rails

Post by chris13524 »

The question is, do the wheels disappear when automatically stopped? (t can be tested with rail signals)
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Re: [0.13.8] Train stops differently on diagonal rails

Post by Rseding91 »

This is just a minor quirk of rendering the wheels for the trains rotated and doesn't have a simple answer at the moment. Since it's a graphic only issue I'm going to move it to minor issues.
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