[0.13.6][posila] Bullet shooting speed not working properly

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[0.13.6][posila] Bullet shooting speed not working properly

Post by Hammerchief »

Some tiers of Bullet Shooting Speed research are not actually speeding up turrets (and other things probably also). Most importantly bullet shooting speed research level 5 and 6 are useless for turrets.
Issue was posted by BlakeMW on Reddit and briefly discussed here on forums.
I did own measurement in sandbox, measuring (just on stopwatch, so there is small inaccuracy) time needed for turret to shoot 50 magazines at each technology level, with same result as BlakeMW found:

Without bullet shooting speed upgrade: 58,368 s
Bullet shooting speed 1: 50,437 s
Bullet shooting speed 2: 50,530 s
Bullet shooting speed 3: 41,676 s
Bullet shooting speed 4: 33,309 s
Bullet shooting speed 5: 33,367 s
Bullet shooting speed 6: 33,284 s
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Re: [0.13.6][posila] Bullet shooting speed not working properly

Post by XKnight »

Can confirm with the next values for 50 magazines (single non-moving target):
0 speed - 3500 ticks
1 speed - 3000 ticks
2 speed - 3000 ticks (exactly the same as for speed-1)
3 speed - 2500 ticks
4 speed - 2000 ticks
5 speed - 2000 ticks (exactly the same as for speed-4)
6 speed - 2000 ticks (exactly the same as for speed-4)
Looks like speed-5 and speed-6 is useless.

By the way, expected values:
0 speed - 3000 ticks (magazine size = 10, base shooting speed = 10 shoots/s, 50 magazine * magazine size / base shooting speed = 50 sec)
1 speed - 2500 ticks (+20% speed)
2 speed - 2143 ticks (+20% speed)
3 speed - 1765 ticks (+30% speed)
4 speed - 1500 ticks (+30% speed)
5 speed - 1305 ticks (+30% speed)
6 speed - 1154 ticks (+30% speed)
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Re: [0.13.6][posila] Bullet shooting speed not working properly

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
This should be partially fixed in 0.13.10. Vanilla gun turret should work as expected, but mods can still break it if they increase shooting speed to 30 or more shots per second, by creating turret with lower default cooldown or by adding more shooting speed researches.

The problem is that internaly turret cycles through its states Prepared -> StartingAttack -> Attacking -> EndingAttack -> Prepared and each of these states can have special animation with some lenght. It doesn't change state until animation is played. Vanilla gun turret has only attacking animation, which is 2 ticks long, and the turret shoots at the end of attacking animation, regardless of cooldown. So modded turret with completely new graphics can have even lower maximal shooting speed, if the mod uses more or longer animations.
Second problem is that if cooldown gets bellow 1 tick (60 shots per second), it will still shoot at most once per second.

If we decide to address these issues and limitations it won't be in 0.14.
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Re: [0.13.6][posila] Bullet shooting speed not working properly

Post by BlakeMW »

Thanks Posila! The most important thing is the vanilla weapons work. Also I presume similar things would be issues for assemblers running at absurdly high modded speeds.

I suppose you could fix the issue by firing two bullets in one tick if the animations or tick rate can't keep up with the firing rate?
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