[0.13.6] "No prototypes available" when biters try to expand

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Burner Inserter
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[0.13.6] "No prototypes available" when biters try to expand

Post by retep998 »

No entity prototypes are available for this building.
I started a game in single player, after a while I transitioned to multiplayer with a friend, and then after a while it crashed. In multiplayer the game outright freezes or crashes. In singleplayer it still shows the error window but it doesn't freeze or crash, instead I just click ok and it takes me back to the main menu.

I'm not playing with any mods, completely vanilla 0.13.6 factorio, so this is NOT RSO's fault since I don't have that installed.

save file that crashes within 2 minutes
(6.66 MiB) Downloaded 160 times
multiplayer crash log
(13.59 KiB) Downloaded 165 times
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Re: [0.13.6] "No prototypes available" when biters try to expand

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report. This will be fixed in 0.13.7
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