[0.12.29]set-filter is limitated to the mouse buttons

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[0.12.29]set-filter is limitated to the mouse buttons

Post by user3748 »

Hello i'm not sure if this post goes into the bug or improvement topic.
If i'm wrong here i'm sorry.

When i try to reallocate the "set filter" key located in:
Options -> Controls -> Inventory
with a keyboard key i get the message: "This control has to be mouse related."

Here is a picture to show exactly what i mean: http://i.imgur.com/4pMHNRT.png

My question: Why has this to be mouse related? I think a keyboard key should be able to work too.

I would really appreciate if this could be improved in future versions that we are able to bind keyboard keys to the "mouse related only" key allocations.


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Re: [0.12.29]set-filter is limitated to the mouse buttons

Post by daniel34 »

This control has to be mouse related so that the game actually knows on which slot to set the filter, by you clicking on it.

Imagine you could set it to a key, now the game knows that you want to set a filter when you press that key but doesn't know on which slot, requiring you to select a slot anyway and this is done with the mouse.

EDIT: I guess one could implement this by taking the currently selected slot (where the mouse is pointing) at the time of the keypress. But given that you have to point your mouse on it anyway, why would you want to set this to a key?
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Re: [0.12.29]set-filter is limitated to the mouse buttons

Post by user3748 »

daniel34 wrote:EDIT: I guess one could implement this by taking the currently selected slot (where the mouse is pointing) at the time of the keypress. But given that you have to point your mouse on it anyway, why would you want to set this to a key?
For me it's just a personal preference. I don't like clicking with the mouse wheel. So i went to the controls to change it and i was a little bit disappointed that i was not be able to change the controls to the keyboard keys that i like.

I think the players should not be limited like that. They should be able to decide individually what keyboard controls they want to set.
For example in some console games you are not be able to change a single control key. I think my improvement is pretty small and should not have high priority in the development of the game. I just want to make the game better. I want more freedom for the players and the best gaming experience as possible.


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Re: [0.12.29]set-filter is limitated to the mouse buttons

Post by Evan_ »

I found that weird too. No matter how cool gaming mice I get, sooner or later I always return to my decades old ancient but loved mouse. What's wheel click doesn't work for years.

So I use that function by ctrl-shift left-click. Not a big deal, but it's silly.
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Re: [0.12.29]set-filter is limitated to the mouse buttons

Post by Yoshifizzle »

This would be very useful for laptop players. I cannot change any of my filters I have set when I play on my laptop because I cannot do middle click with my trackpad. I must have set the filters when I played with a mouse one time. This is incredibly frustrating to have to live with red and yellow belts, splitters, undergrounds on your toolbar when all you want to use is blue stuff.
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Re: [0.12.29]set-filter is limitated to the mouse buttons

Post by topherhead »

Sorry to necro an old thread but this is a problem for me right now.

The use case here is that I'm on a laptop and I was hoping to use this terrible terrible game (life takes a back seat to Factorio) to make a flight go by quickly. I was testing to see if I could do this without an external mouse but without being able to change these binds I don't see it happening.
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Re: [0.12.29]set-filter is limitated to the mouse buttons

Post by Rseding91 »

topherhead wrote:Sorry to necro an old thread ...
Not a problem.

The reason the control is limited to a mouse button is because the inventory slot needs to know you're actually trying to interact with it - by listening to mouse buttons that interact with it.

If it wasn't mouse related the only way the game would know you intended to interact with it is by listening to every key on the keyboard and when the mouse is over the widget and any key is pressed to fire an event stating so. Or, the GUI element would need to support the concept of "focus" and support tabbing through the inventory slots 1 at a time to select the next to know when keyboard input should fire some event for a given inventory slot.

Since the inventory slots don't support the concept of "focus" and we don't use it the vast majority of the time that means you have to bind things that interact with them to the mouse.
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