[12.26] [Rseding91] Crash when leaving Map Editor after placing power armor as an item + saving

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[12.26] [Rseding91] Crash when leaving Map Editor after placing power armor as an item + saving

Post by Buggi »

I was in the map editor making a map for my next game. I saved the map and when I hit "Close" the game crashed.

Attached is the log file, let me know if you need the map. The log shows the mods I have installed. This is the first time I've ever experienced a crash with the map editor using mods. So I'm not sure what happened.
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Re: [12.26] Crash when leaving Map Editor

Post by kovarex »

Hello, can you reproduce it?
Can you upload the mod folder, so I can try to reproduce it?
The map itself could be handy, so I can try to load and close the map editor while it is loaded.
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Re: [12.26] Crash when leaving Map Editor

Post by Buggi »


I just tried opening the map in the editor and closing again and it didn't crash, however I didn't try to save it first.

The map is 13 megs, and the mod folder is 20 megs. I'll try one last time to reproduce it and then upload.
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Re: [12.26] Crash when leaving Map Editor

Post by Buggi »

Try as I might I could not reproduce the crash, which I know as a programmer is vital to being able to fix it. Sorry. :(
- Buggi -
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Re: [12.26] Crash when leaving Map Editor

Post by Rseding91 »

I know what's causing this crash. It's something I noticed and fixed while working on a 0.13 feature. I can apply the fix on the 0.12 branch later tonight.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [12.26] [Rseding91] Crash when leaving Map Editor after placing power armor as an item + saving

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for 0.12.28.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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