[0.12.26] [kovarex] Melee from any(?) range after running out of ammo

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[0.12.26] [kovarex] Melee from any(?) range after running out of ammo

Post by Zerim »

[0.12.26] Ability to melee target from infinite(?) range after running out of ammo

I apologize if I've missed this being reported somewhere, but it's a strange bug so I didn't see it using various search terms.
I'm able to melee and damage an enemy unit or structure from infinite (or at least ludicrous) range if it's the last thing shot as I run out of ammo.
This situation can be recreated by using an SMG and a standard clip, walking to within range of a spawner, and holding space until the clip is gone (making sure to only hit the spawner). Pressing space or 'c' will melee that target.
Edit: It also looks like you don't need to actually hit the enemy - just mouse-over to target a visible enemy, press space once, remove the clip, then hold space until dead.

Here's my save, already set up, attached below, or via Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7hUg5 ... sp=sharing
You can just hold space to see a spawner off to the right lose health.

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Re: [0.12.26] [kovarex] Melee from any(?) range after running out of ammo

Post by kovarex »

Thanks for the report, it is fixed for 0.12.27 now.
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