LuaGameScript::show_message_dialog{text=…, image=…, point_to=…}
Documentation says "point_to :: GuiArrowSpecification (optional): If specified, dialog will show an arrow pointing to this place", but even without the point_to, the resulting dialog will still show an arrow.
[0.12.26] show_message_dialog shows arrow without point_to
[0.12.26] show_message_dialog shows arrow without point_to
Automatic Belt (and pipe) Planner—Automate yet another aspect of constructing your factory!
Re: [0.12.26] show_message_dialog shows arrow without point_to
The documentation is incorrect here: Without the pointing_to, it is indeed meant to point to the player's position. You can use pointing_to={type="nowhere"} to get rid of it.
The documentation entry will be fixed in 0.12.27.
The documentation entry will be fixed in 0.12.27.