[0.12.26] [kovarex] Pipe covers render on top of the pipes

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[0.12.26] [kovarex] Pipe covers render on top of the pipes

Post by DevilXD »

Chemical plant pipe covers render on top of the connected pipes, even after setting the recipe. This can be seen on the attached screenshot if you look closely, it's rendering on top of the water pump and the pipe-to-ground connected on the right.


EDIT: Just noticed that after loading a save this issue was gone, but picking up the Chemical Plant and putting it back down produced the same result as above.
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Re: [0.12.26] [kovarex] Pipe covers render on top of the pipes

Post by kovarex »

I tried to reproduce it, but without success. Does it happen also when you disable mods?
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Re: [0.12.26] [kovarex] Pipe covers render on top of the pipes

Post by DevilXD »

Okay, so first try loading same map without mods didn't go as expected... (Crash log in attachment)

Will update this post if I'll be able to reproduce.

EDIT: I was able to load an older save of the same map from the backup, that didn't have all the mods. I was able to reproduce the issue.


1. Place pump and pipe to ground as in the attached screenshot (don't know if relevant or not)
2. Place Chemical Plant in between - pipes connect, everything looks fine
3. Set the recipe for Sulfuric acid - the pipe covers appear

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Re: [0.12.26] [kovarex] Pipe covers render on top of the pipes

Post by kovarex »

The crash is a different issue, but it should happen as well (it should be always possible to remove mods and load the save), can you provide the save game?
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Re: [0.12.26] [kovarex] Pipe covers render on top of the pipes

Post by DevilXD »

Well, I'm currently playing on it, but I haven't saved yet :)

Here's the save that I got the crash on: https://www.dropbox.com/s/djxsx60r5qjt3um/7.zip?dl=1
Mods I'm using: https://www.dropbox.com/s/84p0b15mecf6h ... 2.zip?dl=1
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Re: [0.12.26] [kovarex] Pipe covers render on top of the pipes

Post by kovarex »

Ok, so the second (and actually more important) bug is fixed, the save is now loadable without mods in 0.12.27.

Now I will get to the first one.
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Re: [0.12.26] [kovarex] Pipe covers render on top of the pipes

Post by kovarex »

And now the extra pipe covers are fixed for 0.12.27 as well.

Thank you for the report and help.
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