Name: Factorio Maps
Description: This mod creates a Google Map of your Factorio game. It will create a local html file, nothing has to be uploaded for it to work.
License: Free for all
Version: 0.5.9
Release: 2016-01-16
Tested-With-Factorio-Version: 0.12.24 (minimum required: 0.12.11, for older versions check here)
Category: Helper
Tags: Maps, Google
- use "Midday" so your images are nice and light.
- Click "Generate Images". This will start taking the screenshots, and generate an index.html in the script-output folder. Script-output is in the same folder as Saves.
- Open index.html in your browser (Double click it/Open With/Drag in browserwindow)
- For info on the advanced options, click Help.
[Warning: on bigger maps it might take a while, and take up quite a bit of discspace.
Works in singleplayer, should work in multi player (use at own risk!), though people might disconnect. Does not work with headless server. You can always load multiplayer maps in singleplayer and make maps that way.]
- Local maps don't seem to work in Edge Browser for me, need to look into that further
- Add markers to the map/ set center of map (need to figure out Google Maps pixel to Latitude)
- Make advanced stuff disappear with the click of a button ; )