- when iterating items of an upgrade planner get_mapper() produces output not acceptable by set_mapper() most of the time.
- get_mapper() always returns a table, even if the entry is empty.
- type is always set, even if the entry is empty.
- module_limit is always set, even on unsupported items and even if the checkmark is unset.
- module_slots is always set, even on unsupported entities and even if the checkmark is unset.
- module_slots is not allowed to be an empty table, even when all module slots should be emptied.
- indices in module_slots do not match the configuration if prior module slots are empty.
- set_mapper() only accepts entities and modules, failing for everything else like fuels and meta items.
- set_mapper() for records in a shelf has been overwritten with get_mapper().
How to reproduce
- import this upgrade planner. currently affected by viewtopic.php?p=666798#p666798
Code: Select all
- place it in the first slot of the game blueprints library.
- run this console command.
Code: Select all
/c local bp = game.blueprints[1] for n = 1,bp.mapper_count do for _,t in pairs{"from","to"} do bp.set_mapper(n,t,table.deepcopy(bp.get_mapper(n,t))) end end
- the supplied example save has the full planner already in the right spot.
- you only need to run the console command.
Expected result
- no errors.
- no changes to the planner.
Actual result
- almost every entry produces an error.
- module slots configuration for crafting machines get distorted.