[2.0.39] Rockets not launching to satisfy automatic requests

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[2.0.39] Rockets not launching to satisfy automatic requests

Post by F1rools22 »

For some reason I can't work out, rockets aren't launching my Electromagnetic science packs to my space platform. This previously worked fine, but after an automatic update through steam it seems some of the automatic requests have stopped working properly, but the update may be coincidence rather than a cause.

After turning off & back on again 'Automatic requests from space platforms', all my other rockets requested EM packs as expected & launched them to the platform.

EDIT: I have a theory that the issue may be caused by having another platform in orbit of the planet requesting the same item but not with enough space. I realised after saving the file that I have my 'EM science only' ship in orbit and it was requesting more packs, but didn't have the space for them.

What did you do- I have a platform requesting EM science packs.
What happened?- The rockets aren't launching the packs. The UI seems to suggest that 6000 packs are ready to launch but only 1 silo is actually filled with packs.
What did you expect to happen instead?- I expect 4 silos to fill with packs and launch them to the platform.
Does it happen always, once, or sometimes? Always with this request in this + 1 other identical ship. Not with any other ships or requests.

Logs, save file & screenshots here: https://1drv.ms/f/s!At-xcWWaBio4hJARY_e ... w?e=Owvmxh
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Re: [2.0.39] Rockets not launching to satisfy automatic requests

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
Manual Inserter
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Re: [2.0.39] Rockets not launching to satisfy automatic requests

Post by F1rools22 »

I saw the fix today- thanks!
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