- Place a Lamp with "Use colors" --> "Color Components" (or use Blueprint provided)
- Set an appropriate Enable condition (or "Always On")
- Save as Scenario
- Exit to Main Menu (or Restart game completely)
- Load Scenario (so that the game starts "Paused")
Lamps connected to a Circuit are rendered with the Default Beige color (255-255-191), not with the Values at-rest on the Circuit Network, for exactly one tick. What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
Lamps would render with the same Color that they had when the Game/Scenario was Saved. The Circuit Network already has the Values "on the wire", and the RGB numbers in the Lamp's UI seems to indicate that it "knows about" these values. Does it happen always, once, or sometimes?
Every time a Scenario (or Game which does not automatically Tick/begin Play) is Loaded, for exactly one tick.
I first noticed this behavior a few days ago, on 2.0.38, but it seems to have been there for a long time (haven't checked 1.1). I spent about an hour debugging my Combinator Display "flickering" colors, before I figured out it was an issue in the base game - not my Mods (I had one which changed the Lamp sprite; still evident without it as in screenshot). I have searched the Forums for "lamp", "color", and "tick", with no relevant matches.... this is a very Minor Graphical issue - it only happens for 1 Tick when the Game is first loaded.
It also seems like there is a Saturation difference between Lamps setup with the Eyedropper (top row), and which receive a Circuit Signal (bottom row). I cannot think of any reasonable use case for having perfect color rendering with the Lamps..... we do not need to render Pixel art in perfect 16/24/32-bit color

Thanks for reading!