[2.0.32] Error "Transport line groups are not consistent"

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[2.0.32] Error "Transport line groups are not consistent"

Post by pikopage »

Hi, I found an error when under ground transport belt causing an issue during load game.
Issue is reproducible on sandbox, when I build new tunnel, delete one end, and change direction and force rewrite existing end (SHIFT+CONTROL) and create new second end. If I save the game, I can't load it anymore. I fixed my save by load with control. But it would be nice, if you can fix it in game. ;)

Attaching the save:
(985.64 KiB) Downloaded 22 times
and there is log from next loading:

Code: Select all

1549.798 Loading map C:\Users\page\AppData\Roaming\Factorio\saves\testErr.zip: 1009295 bytes.
1549.834 Loading level.dat: 863851 bytes.
1549.836 Info Scenario.cpp:153: Map version 2.0.32-0
1549.851 Verbose Scenario.cpp:209: Loading level.dat finished: 0.014473 seconds.
1549.851 Info TransportLineDeserialiser.cpp:157: TransportLine 0x000001922efe5110 interacts with TransportLine 0x000001922efe5370 so they should be in the same group
1549.851 Info TransportLine.cpp:1995: TransportLine 0x000001922efe5110 belongs to a group 0x000001924d45c590 and has 1 members:
1549.851 Info TransportLine.cpp:1998:  [1]: lineIndex=1. Entity: [name=underground-belt, type=underground-belt(UndergroundBelt), position={-0.500, -2.500}, direction=South, force=player, surface=nauvis, setup=true, owned-by-ghost=false, to-be-deconstructed=false, to-be-upgraded=false, simulation=false]
1549.851 Info TransportLine.cpp:1995: TransportLine 0x000001922efe5370 belongs to a group 0x000001924d45cb40 and has 1 members:
1549.851 Info TransportLine.cpp:1998:  [1]: lineIndex=3. Entity: [name=underground-belt, type=underground-belt(UndergroundBelt), position={-0.500, -2.500}, direction=South, force=player, surface=nauvis, setup=true, owned-by-ghost=false, to-be-deconstructed=false, to-be-upgraded=false, simulation=false]
1549.851 Warning Map.cpp:857: Map loading failed: transport line groups are not consistent
1549.851 Verbose ThreadedBufferedReadStream.cpp:21: ThreadedBufferedReadStream destroyed due to exception. totalBytesRead=863851, fileSize=863851
1549.894 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:336: MapGenSettings compilation took 0.004114 seconds.
1549.894 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:381:   Cliff noise program processed 377 expressions (220 unique) and has 134 operations and 17 registers; estimated complexity: 287.
1549.894 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:381:   Entity noise program processed 3275 expressions (1421 unique) and has 1058 operations and 164 registers; estimated complexity: 12437.
1549.894 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:381:   Tile noise program processed 1296 expressions (593 unique) and has 479 operations and 53 registers; estimated complexity: 10068.
1549.899 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:336: MapGenSettings compilation took 0.004409 seconds.
1549.899 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:381:   Cliff noise program processed 1347 expressions (723 unique) and has 530 operations and 45 registers; estimated complexity: 842.
1549.899 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:381:   Entity noise program processed 5900 expressions (2660 unique) and has 2303 operations and 272 registers; estimated complexity: 20291.
1549.899 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:381:   Tile noise program processed 2400 expressions (1227 unique) and has 1001 operations and 96 registers; estimated complexity: 13592.
1549.929 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:661: level state size: 1197 bytes.
1549.929 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:661: level state size: 1197 bytes.
1549.957 Error AppManagerStates.cpp:1648: transport line groups are not consistent
1561.958 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:336: MapGenSettings compilation took 0.004327 seconds.
1561.958 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:381:   Cliff noise program processed 377 expressions (220 unique) and has 134 operations and 17 registers; estimated complexity: 287.
1561.958 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:381:   Entity noise program processed 3275 expressions (1421 unique) and has 1058 operations and 164 registers; estimated complexity: 12437.
1561.959 Verbose CompiledMapGenSettings.cpp:381:   Tile noise program processed 1296 expressions (593 unique) and has 479 operations and 53 registers; estimated complexity: 10068.
1562.012 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:661: level state size: 1157 bytes.
1562.012 Info LuaGameScript.cpp:661: level state size: 1157 bytes.
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Re: [2.0.32] Error "Transport line groups are not consistent"

Post by boskid »

I see, i can reproduce this. Super force building underground on an output underground belt flips the direction of existing underground belt but at the same time it also places a ghost. Core of the issue is that there are 2 underground belts at the same tile (real underground and ghost underground) which causes save-load to become unstable and when loading the undergrounds connect differently causing transport line groups to be malformed which is detected on load.
For dev fixing this
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