[Rseding91] 2.0.28 render_mode returning game (1) when in map view zoomed in

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[Rseding91] 2.0.28 render_mode returning game (1) when in map view zoomed in

Post by JustGoFly »

Go into map view, render_mode shows (2) render_mode.chart.
Zoom in - render_mode shows (1) render_mode.game - it should show (3) render_mode.chart_zoomed_in
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Re: [Rseding91] 2.0.28 render_mode returning game (1) when in map view zoomed in

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This doesn't actually make any functional difference given the only real difference is "chart view, otherwise check which controller is active for anything special related to the player". But, I've changed it so when in remote view, zoomed in, it will report "chart zoomed in".
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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Re: [Rseding91] 2.0.28 render_mode returning game (1) when in map view zoomed in

Post by JustGoFly »

Thank you, it does make a big difference in my mod. I implement fog of war and restrict the players movements into the fog. If they are in map view - they can go outside of the fog, but not clear any of the fog. Since I can't tell if they are zoomed in, when they move outside the fog in map view, then zoom in, it clears the fog, which is not at all what I intend, and this is due to my inability to tell if they are in that location or just viewing it.

Thanks for the fix. Please understand mods will use every single feature you provide, in ways you may not have anticipated. I did lose the ability to track biters in map view based, since another feature was removed:

Code: Select all

game.players[event.player_index].zoom_to_world(event.position,  0.5, biter) -- follow a live biter
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