[Genhis][2.0.30] Platform destination and actual flight target inconsistency

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Burner Inserter
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[Genhis][2.0.30] Platform destination and actual flight target inconsistency

Post by karamanolev »

[What's wrong]
I'm observing a platform in Automatic mode with Nauvis selected in the destination list that is actually flying to the shattered planet. In the right pane it's the shattered planet, in the destinations it's Nauvis (see screenshot).

[What did I expect]
Regardless of whether my circuit and fly conditions are right or wrong, I expect the actual destination in the right pane to be consistent with the selected one in the platform destinations.

[What did I do]
I have a platform to shuttle between Nauvis and Shattered Planet. It has a fly condition of D > 260K. It always turned back correctly until now. It should've been back, but when I checked, I saw it already way past its turning point [is_it_a_bug save]. I tried loading my earliest autosave, which, interestingly, also has Nauvis selected even though the platform is before the turning point. I do not know how that happened, I don't remember doing something special with it. I haven't tried replicating it, as I wouldn't know what to do.

I'm attaching two saves - the moment when I observed it and the earliest autosave before that which also has the same issue. I don't have a save from before where the issue can be replicated.
A screenshot of the inconsistent UI
A screenshot of the inconsistent UI
01-13-2025, 10-54-30.png (247.38 KiB) Viewed 753 times
The earliest autosave I found, which oddly also has the same issue
(49.12 MiB) Downloaded 29 times
The moment I observed the issue
(49.25 MiB) Downloaded 23 times
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: [2.0.30] Platform destination and actual flight target inconsistency

Post by karamanolev »

I was able to get a reproduction:

* The platform is flying towards shattered planet.
* I shift-right-click the settings from another platform and shfit-left-click to place them to this one.
* At that moment, the thrust is paused, Nauvis is set as the destination in the schedule, but not in the right pane. This seems like the spot where the inconsistency is created.
* I re-enable automatic mode, thrust is started and the now-inconsistent state remains - schedule shows Nauvis, platform flies towards shattered.

Let me know if you need a video or a better explanation.
Factorio Staff
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Re: [Genhis][2.0.30] Platform destination and actual flight target inconsistency

Post by Genhis »

Thanks for the report, this is fixed for 2.0.34.

Ref. 126465
Manual Inserter
Manual Inserter
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Re: [Genhis][2.0.30] Platform destination and actual flight target inconsistency

Post by manni »

This is still persistent.
2.0.34 bug: viewtopic.php?t=126649
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