[posila] [2.0.29] crash to desktop without animation repeat_count defined

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Fast Inserter
Fast Inserter
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[posila] [2.0.29] crash to desktop without animation repeat_count defined

Post by Quezler »

Playing around with getting hurricane graphics to work, whilst trying to debug animations layers desyncing i ran into this crash to desktop:

Code: Select all

Factorio crashed. Generating symbolized stacktrace, please wait ...
src/Util/StacktraceToStream.cpp (52): walkStackAndPrintToStream
src/Util/StacktraceToStream.cpp (60): printStacktraceToStream
src/Util/Logger.cpp (334): writeStacktrace
src/Util/Logger.cpp (379): logStacktrace
src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp (181): writeStackTrace
src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp (644): commonSignalHandler
src/Util/CrashHandler.cpp (652): SignalHandler
src/Graphics/Animation.cpp (69): loadFrames
src/Graphics/Animation.cpp (350): load
src/Graphics/Animation.cpp (278): load
src/Graphics/Animation4Way.cpp (41): load
src/Graphics/WorkingVisualisations.cpp (160): load
src/Graphics/WorkingVisualisations.cpp (103): WorkingVisualisations
src/Graphics/WorkingVisualisations.cpp (101): WorkingVisualisations
src/Entity/CraftingMachinePrototype.cpp (29): CraftingMachineGraphicsSet
src/Entity/CraftingMachinePrototype.cpp (31): CraftingMachineGraphicsSet
src/Entity/CraftingMachinePrototype.cpp (129): CraftingMachinePrototype
src/Entity/FurnacePrototype.cpp (27): FurnacePrototype
src/Entity/FurnacePrototype.cpp (32): FurnacePrototype
src/Data/PrototypeLoader.hpp (30): operator()
src/Data/PrototypeLoader.hpp (26): __invoke
src/ID/PrototypeList.cpp (28): executeLoader
/opt/libcxx16-macos10.10-11.0/lib/../include/c++/v1/__functional/function.h (510): operator()
/opt/libcxx16-macos10.10-11.0/lib/../include/c++/v1/__functional/function.h (1156): operator()
src/Data/PrototypeLoader.cpp (283): loadPrototypeForType
src/Data/PrototypeLoader.cpp (71): loadPrototypes
src/Data/ModManager.cpp (965): loadModPrototypes
src/Data/ModManager.cpp (1378): processMods
src/Data/ModManager.cpp (590): loadData
src/GlobalContext.cpp (506): init
src/MainLoop.cpp (286): run
src/Main.cpp (1357): fmain
src/Main.cpp (1379): main
This error comes and goes as you (un)comment energy-condenser-quality-edition/graphics/disruptor/pictures.lua:15

Earlier during this mod's development i did get a "1 != 80" ish error but it looks like "that" doesn't trigger for this situation.
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Re: [posila] [2.0.29] crash to desktop without animation repeat_count defined

Post by posila »

Thanks for the report.
Animation definition using "stripes" causes crash when trying to compose the error message about mismatch in frame count.
Fixed for 2.0.30
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