Code: Select all
recipe.auto_recycle = nil
I don't know why it's there, and is causing problems for mod's that that want to add new recipes/items to the game.
With out that line of code, one can simply write:
Code: Select all
if mods["quality"] then require("") end
Unfortunately, due to the `recipe.auto_recycle = nil` line, it will generate incorrect recycling recipes for Landfill, Nutrients, Raw Fish, Uranium-238, Uranium Fuel Cells, and Tree Seeds.
To fix this issue, I can of course write:
Code: Select all
if mods["quality"] then
for _, k in pairs{"landfill", "nutrients-from-biter-egg", "nuclear-fuel-reprocessing", "uranium-fuel-cell", "wood-processing", "fish-breeding"} do
if data.raw.recipe[k] then
data.raw.recipe[k].auto_recycle = false end end
require("") end
See 124656 for more discussion about problems re-generating recycling recipes.