[2.0.28] cannot re-select the item+quality ghost a container was opened with

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[2.0.28] cannot re-select the item+quality ghost a container was opened with

Post by Faark »

a minor, but easy to reproduce ui issue

2024-12-31 15-48-00.mp4
(9.16 MiB) Downloaded 31 times

how to reproduce / steps of the video:
- load game
- go into map mode
- select an item ghost + quality (green rocket fuel here)
- open sth that has a ghost cursor selection as well (red provider chest here)
- select sth different (rocket fuel in different qualities and other items even in green quality work)
- try to re-select the initial item+quality does not work (cannot re-select green rcoket fuel)

expected behavior:
- can select and place green rocket fuel as well
(9.95 KiB) Downloaded 15 times
Factorio Staff
Factorio Staff
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Re: [2.0.28] cannot re-select the item+quality ghost a container was opened with

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. This is now fixed for the next release.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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